Asian Geographic Issue 4-2020 (143) | Page 6

LIM Geok Khoon
No . 143 • Issue 4 / 2020
The earth issue
E DI TOR I A L Publisher / Editorial Director John THET • thet @ asiangeo . com Editor Shreya ACHARYA • editor @ asiangeo . com contributing Editor Ian BONGSO-SELDRUP • ian @ uw360 . asia
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06 The Earth Element
16 Battle of the Hemispheres
The Northern Hemisphere refers to the half of the planet that is north of the equator , while the Southern Hemisphere is everything south of the equator . Here are their key differences
42 Question and Answer on the Mountain
43 Celebrating Nowruz
Get a glimpse of ancient cities along the Great Silk Road , bask in the nomadic culture and Soviet heritage , and experience the vast mountains and steppes of Central Asia . Each of the five “ stans ” has much to offer , especially in times of celebration
FEATURE : The equator
10 Meet Me in the Middle
Walk with us through the centre of the planet
FEATURE : From The Very Beginning
18 A World of Inventions
Our human ancestors started innovating nearly 2.5 million years ago
FEATURE : REVEALED 32 Spirits Revisited
Spirit possession rituals have an unsettling link to our cultural past
60 With Rolex , the World Is Your Oyster
A young Thai Chinese Taoist devotee pierces his cheeks with a number of decorated steel pins / skewers during the Vegetarian Festival
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MCI ( P ) 097 / 06 / 2019 ; PPS 1367 / 04 / 2013 ( 022956 ) ISSN 0219-3310
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