{ Editor ’ s NOTE
{ Editor ’ s NOTE
Anita Verde and Peter Marshall
In September 1999 , ASIAN Geographic , an exciting new magazine dedicated to Asia , hit newsstands . The stated aim was “ to showcase the natural history and culture of Asia ”, along with a strong conservation focus , and over the following quarter century , the magazine has put a valuable spotlight on the region ’ s environment , wildlife , peoples and customs .
In a short time , ASIAN Geographic was already winning awards . Just two years after launch , the magazine won the Ark Trust International Award at the Genesis Awards for a hard-hitting feature exposing China ’ s bear bile farming practices . The magazine would go on to receive numerous awards over the following years .
In this special Silver Anniversary Edition , we ’ re commemorating our milestone achievement with three main features that celebrate the magazine ’ s founding principles . In “ Bear Witness Revisited ” ( page 28 ), we reproduce our first award-winning story on bile bears written by Cortlan Bennett , with images by conservation photojournalist Paul Hilton , while revealing that more than two decades later , the shocking mistreatment of Asia ’ s bears continues .
Our culture-focused feature , “ Asian Blades ” ( page 52 ), offers a literal take on our silver celebration with an in-depth look at the swords and knives that played significant roles in Asian history , shaping military strategies as well as cultural identities . Fascinating in their diversity , these blades were not only prized tools of warfare , but also crucial agricultural implements , symbols of social status , and revered ceremonial objects .
Finally , in ASIAN Geographic Passport , we venture to the far reaches of Oceania , a region beyond Asia that the magazine has come to encompass , to the islands and atolls of French Polynesia . In “ The Treasures of Tahiti and the Journey of Giants ” ( page 83 ), regular contributors Anita Verde and Peter Marshall describe incredible encounters with whales , sharks , dolphins , turtles , and more .
We hope you enjoy the issue . Here ’ s to the next 25 years !
Ian Bongso-Seldrup