Asian Geographic Issue 165 | Page 4

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Credit : Simon Marlow / Pixabay
As this special Red Edition of ASIAN Geographic shows , few colours hold as deep a significance across Asia as red . The colour of luck and prosperity , red is featured in festivals and ceremonies , especially Lunar New Year , where more than a splash of the auspicious hue appears in decorations , clothing , and hóngbão envelopes , bringing good fortune and warding off evil spirits . Similarly , you ’ ll find Indian brides wearing plenty of red , as the colour represents not just love and commitment , but is also associated with the Hindu goddess Durga , who symbolises new beginnings and feminine power .
In the spiritual realm , the colours of monks ’ robes vary significantly depending on monastic traditions and the Buddhist sects they belong to , but the most common are undoubtedly red and orange . Though Myanmar ’ s burgundy-clad Theravada Buddhists are an exception , there ’ s usually a preference for red in the Vajrayana and Tibetan traditions , a fact that will be immediately obvious to anyone travelling to the fascinating Kingdom of Bhutan (“ Bhutan : A World of Its Own ”, page 81 ).
Red is also central to the region ’ s culinary traditions . The unofficial birthplace of “ curry ”, Asia is home to rich , flavourful , generously spiced cuisines where red chilli is very often the hero ingredient (“ Curry : A World of Flavour , Tradition , and Culture ”, page 34 ). At the same time , Asian red fruits like lychees , rambutans and goji berries aren ’ t only bursting with flavour , but are also packed with vitamins , antioxidants , and other essential nutrients (“ The Power of Asian Red Fruits ”, page 28 ).
Finally , while red may be associated with fire rather than the earth element in traditional Chinese philosophy , it is the colour ’ s natural and cultural connection to the earth that we consider in our main feature , “ 70 Days for Our Land Animals ” ( page 40 ). As we did in our Blue Edition , which put a spotlight on our fragile ocean planet , in this issue , we celebrate the days dedicated to our land-dwelling species , and the many difficult challenges they face , from the illegal wildlife trade to climate change .
Ian Bongso-Seldrup