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Pink pin-up : What better representative for pink than Southeast Asia ’ s beautiful pink orchid mantis ?
If you had to choose a single word to describe Asia , what would it be ? For me , it would be “ colourful ”. Based in Singapore for over 20 years , I was always struck by how grey everything seemed when I visited Europe , where I grew up . I love travel , of course , but coming home to the Little Red Dot – with its intoxicating blend of cultures and colours – is the best feeling .
ASIAN Geographic ’ s celebration of this vibrancy begins with The Pink Edition that you hold in your hands . Think pink and what comes to mind ? Japan ’ s famous cherry blossoms ? Lose yourself in rose-coloured hues in our Picturesque column , “ Surprising Sakura ”, on page 4 , and discover where else you can find these pretty blooms . Or were you thinking about all that pink in the Barbie movie ? We examine how that American plastic icon has been received in the region , revealing “ Barbie ’ s Asian Rivals ” on page 16 . Speaking of icons , there ’ s pink Himalayan salt . Did you know that it doesn ’ t actually come from the Himalayas ? Read “ Pink Himalayan Salt ” on page 28 and discover where it ’ s found .
For many , pink symbolises femininity , even though , if you ask around , you ’ ll get plenty of people – women and men – who have a strong opinion on that subject . Here , with apologies , we ’ re highlighting its feminine associations in “ Pink Power : Female Icons , Trailblazers and Deities ” on page 60 . Either way , we don ’ t think we need a good reason to celebrate just some of the Asian heroines who have broken records and made history .
Which brings us to our striking cover and the diverse pinks found in “ Jaipur : India ’ s Pink City ” on page 30 . The work of accomplished Indian photographer Nitin Kumar , this fascinating feature truly captures the uniqueness of this city and its people , from its coral-coloured buildings to its deep pink fabrics .
So , enjoy Asia in all its pink glory – and look out for more “ colour editions ” of ASIAN Geographic !
Ian Bongso-Seldrup