{ Editor ’ s NOTE
Yoshi Shimizu
“ I ’ d trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday .”
— Kris Kristofferson
We ’ re not ones to dwell on the past – unless of course , we ’ re digging deep into Asia ’ s interesting history or heritage . But in this unique retrospective issue , we ’ re hitting the REWIND button , mining ASIAN Geographic ’ s extensive archives to create a compilation of articles from select regular columns of some of our best-loved past issues . Over many years , these regular columns – Revealed , Memories , Reflections , Icon , and Timeless – have provided the backbone of every issue of ASIAN Geographic , educating and regaling readers with the amazing stories and incredible facts that make Asia the planet ’ s most fascinating region .
Naturally , many of these stories have required updates , sometimes significant revisions . From Revealed , for instance , in our look at Asia ’ s endangered languages ( page 30 ), the last elderly speakers of one language have passed away in the intervening years , rendering the language extinct . From Memories , the rickshaw pullers of Kolkata ( page 44 ) – for better or worse – refuse to fade away , still ferrying Indians ( and tourists ) around the city . Meanwhile , from Reflections , Asia continues to break records ( page 48 ), erecting ever-taller statues ( India ’ s 182-metre Statue of Unity ), building ever-taller hotels ( Dubai ’ s 356-metre Gevora Hotel ), and growing ever-taller trees ( Malaysia ’ s 101-metre “ Menara ”).
Speaking of superlatives , this issue also showcases the winners and shortlisted entries in the 2022 edition of ASIAN Geographic ’ s highly regarded Images of Asia Photography Competition ( page 78 ). These stunning pictures are reminders not just of the beautiful landscapes , rich cultures , and stunning wildlife that are found in our corner of the world , but also of the impressive talents of Asia ’ s shooters . Submission for this year ’ s photo contest is open now , so be sure to enter your best work today !
Ian Bongso-Seldrup