Asian Geographic Issue 05/2018 (133) | Page 7

Features Spiritual pilgrimages PHOTO © LI ZHENGDE CHINA MIDDLE EAST 66 The Princess and the Mani Stones In Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, locals worship not gods or gurus but a princess who was credited for laying the cornerstone of Tibetan Buddhism, the chief religion of the region. BY THOMAS BIRD AND RACHEL KWEK 96 The Path to Death That Led to Life Easter has nothing to do with eggs and everything to do with death. During this time every year, thousands of Christians gather in Jerusalem to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection by retracing his final steps and witnessing the mysterious and miraculous Holy Fire at the place he was buried. BY GILAD FISKUS AND RACHEL KWEK ABOVE Jyekundo Dondrubling Monastery is one of Yushu’s largest monasteries. It was severely damaged in the earthquake but has now largely been rebuilt. ON THE COVER Spiritual Pilgrimages Sunset at Lachen Photos: Prakhar Tripathi AsianGeo @asiangeographic @asiangeographic