Asian Geographic Issue 04/2017 (126) | Page 8

No. 126 • issue 4/2017 politics issue CONTENTS IMAGE © AARON “BERTIE” GEKOSKI 76 environment 72 on assignment Unfinished Business 76 With an estimated 100 million sharks slaughtered every year, we take a look at how countries’ practices and policies are impacting the shark fin trade in Asia BY HASTINGS FORMAN care Unlikely Heroes 84 Landmines have left thousands of Cambodians dead or without limbs, but thanks to a task force of trained rats, these killer mines are being sniffed out, and removed BY A ARON “BERTIE” GEKOSKI Sowing Peace Seeds of Peace educates and inspires youth from around the world to transform conflict – sowing unlikely friendships in the midst of political turmoil BY CHRISTINE HOGG, MAGGIE SVOBODA On the cover A portrait of renowned dissident Ai Weiwei, who is featured in this issue’s story on political artists IMAGE © BADIUCAO erratum In our previous issue (Asian Geographic Expeditions Issue 125, 2017), a label for “Turkey” was accidentally placed above Xi’an in China in an infographic map on page 75. We apologise for this error. GOLD AsianGeo @asiangeographic SILVER BRONZE Copyright © 2017 by Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd. No material may be reproduced without written permission. This publication is purchased with the understanding that information is presented from many sources for which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher as to accuracy, originality, or completeness. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering product endorse-ments or providing instruction as a substitute for appropriate training by qualified sources. All content provided is accurate at the time of publishing. MCI (P) 018/08/2017; PPS 1367/04/2013 (022956) ISSN 0219-3310 Please recycle.