Asian Geographic Issue 04/2016 | Page 8

{ EDITOR’S NOTE ASIAN Geographic can be found on-board and for your reading pleasure at: } An illustration of a comet sighting from “The Book of Miracles” (1552) “For we are aliens and pilgrims before you, as were all our fathers; our days on earth are as a shadow” (1 Chronicles 29:15) T ell me about being alien – for in my birth country I was labelled an ‘immigrant’ by extremist groups, at university I was third-class in the queue for EU jobs and in my current workplace I am nothing short of an economic migrant. Add to that, I am no longer a local of my ancestral country, my forefathers having left a century ago. Nomads, pilgrims, sojourners, migrants – there are so many names for those of us who go from one place to another – but aren’t we all travellers here on Earth? That is perhaps why my favourite story in this issue is ‘Comets as Arks’ (p.52). They are the mysterious travellers of our Solar System, who may have been the first explorers of planet Earth, and the most fantastic of voyagers in their orbital migration in the Oort Cloud. a Newsstand Distribution ASIAN Geographic can be found in the following countries. If you have difficulty finding us on newsstands, please contact our distributors: Australia Gordon & Gotch Australia Pty Ltd; ChinA and HONG KONG Times Publishing (HK) Ltd; INDONESIA Java Books; Philippines Alpha Stream Marketing; Malaysia Pansing Marketing Sdn Bhd; New Zealand Gordon & Gotch NZ; Singapore Singapore Press Holdings Ltd; Taiwan TEP; THAILAND Asia Books Co Ltd; USA Speed Impex media correspondents India, Sri Lanka RMA Media, Faredoon KUKA • [email protected] Nepal, Bangladesh Media South Asia (P) Ltd • [email protected] Malaysia Kennedy THALAYAN • [email protected] Theresa THAM (East Malaysia) • [email protected] Thailand Radius • [email protected] China Hainan Periscope Social Media Company • [email protected] Japan Keiichi ARANTANI • [email protected] CORRECTIONS In our previous issue No.118 (Issue 3/2016) we did not credit a double-page illustration on pages 30 and 31, under the story “King a Tamar, the Caucasian Queen”. The hand-drawn illustration was done by Kathy Poh. Other Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd publications: We are all travellers here on Earth, as were our fathers. Look at the nomadic tribes of Mongolia (p.8) or the Chinese labourers to British Guiana and back (p.36). Even the earth does not stay still, as you will find in our feature on Pangaea. ASIAN Geographic is published every 45 days by Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd 20 Bedok South Road, Singapore 469277 • Singapore Tel: +(65) 6298 3241 Fax: +(65) 6291 2068 • Email: [email protected] Printed in Singapore by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd WAN PHING