Asian Geographic Issue 04/2016 | Page 6

Chairman LIM Geok Khoon No. 119 • Issue 4/2016 DEPARTMENTS timeless 1 E DI TOR I A L by Mohar Khan Publisher John THET • [email protected] Editor 8 C I RC U L AT ION traffic/production Manager Felicia LIU • [email protected] Marketing/Circulation Regional Manager Kelvin POON • [email protected] 20 China’s One Belt, One Road feature 22 BY AGUNG PARAMESWARA HIGHLIGHTS 74 Foundation for Peace and Development in Pyongyang BY SHAKILA RAJENDRA Editorial Submissions • [email protected] Subscriptions • [email protected] Feedback • [email protected] ICON 91 Humpback Whales 93 The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 Ivan Carter’s Quest for Animal Conservation BY WAN PHING LIM Pilgrims to the Centre of the Earth In the footsteps of Java’s Yadnya Kasada Festival The War on Wildlife Ivan Carter is the face behind Carter’s W.A.R., the latest television programme on Outdoor Channel Asia. On his visit to the Asian region, ASIAN Geographic talks to him about saving elephants from ivory poachers in South Africa’s Kruger National Park to investigating a tragic crocodile attack along the Zambezi River. REVEALED CONTRIBUTORS Zigor ALDAMA Mohar KHAN Swee Lin KHONG Ai Lin MAO Delgermaa NERGUI Jimmy NELSON Suhaili OSMAN Agung PARAMESWARA Shakila RAJENDRA Colin TAN NATURE 60 REFLECTIONS Voyages Across the Seas Mysterious Travellers of the Solar System BY YD BAR-NESS BY JIMMY NELSON 18 Comets as Arks In every society there are those who do not play by the rules, and who dream of taking long journeys of pilgrimage. In our Solar System, these maverick renegades are also the most mysterious; they are the comets that bring magic and wonder to our night skies. Every Tribe, Every Nation In a three-year project that spanned 35 indigenous communities across the globe, this iconic artistic document known as ‘Before They Pass Away’ captures the authenticity and beauty of disappearing cultures in our world today. F I E L D E DI TOR S YD BAR-NESS • Australia Jim NEALE • Philippines 54 The First Travellers A DV E R T I S I NG & M A R K ET I NG marketing manager (Events/Magazines) Felicia LIU • [email protected] marketing executive (Events/Magazines) Wing Tong LO • [email protected] advertising sales manager Desmond HO• [email protected] DE S IG N Creative director Eric WONG • [email protected] senior Designer Justin ONG • [email protected] design intern Kathy POH • [email protected] ENVIRONMENT PICTURESQUE Wan Phing LIM • [email protected] EDITORIAL INTERNs Kathy POH • [email protected] Amanda YAP • [email protected] photojournalist Justin ONG • [email protected] ‘Lamp Post’ ON ASSIGNMENT 66 A Paranoid Nation The Difference is Perspective ASIAN Geographic travels to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) for “Bridges – Dialogues Towards a Culture of Peace”, and comes back with exclusive photos, an insider’s look and a totally different perspective of the often-dubbed Hermit Kingdom. BY JUSTIN ONG Memories GOLD SILVER BRONZE 60 Copyright © 2015 by Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd. No material may be reproduced without written permission. This publication is purchased with the understanding that information is presented from many sources for which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher as to accuracy, originality, or completeness. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering product endorsements or providing instruction as a substitute for appropriate training by qualified sources. All content provided is accurate at the time of publishing. MCI (P) 004/10/2015; PPS 1367/04/2013 (022956) ISSN 0219-3310 Please recycle.