Asian Geographic AG 06/2019 - 139 | Page 8

{ Ed i t o r ’ s NOTE } “‘Your Ma does not always say what she’s thinking or feeling,’ Daddy said. ‘But when she cooks, she puts her whole mind and heart into the food and you’re bound to learn something about her’. So I searched for Ma in her spices and sauces, her mixed vegetables and her sweet desserts.” ASIAN Geographic can be found on board and at the following locations: Airlines & Lounges — Sugarbread, Balli Kaur Jaswal Clubs & societies CAFÉS & Restaurants tOURISM BOARDS M y childhood memories are of my vegetarian mother standing over the stove in the sweltering heat – mixing, mixing, mixing – concocting a delicious meat-based dish for her picky-eater children, and in a separate pot, something for her husband and herself. She would then serve us first, me by her own hand, before she ate herself. When I grew up, I ate her dishes less and less, favouring instant meals and fast food instead. But today, nothing compares to her lovingly prepared food, and whenever I get a chance to have her dalchawal (lentils and rice), it feels like she is feeding me, her three-year-old, all over again. That is the idea of food I’ve always had: a selfless dish with a story to tell. Each ingredient and every process tells a tale of a home and a homeland. In this issue, we journey through the history of staple Asian foods, rice and noodles, and their associated dishes around the region. You may see stark differences as well as uncanny resemblances among dishes, and each dish will show you part of a nation’s culture and tradition. Our feature articles highlight the unique street food culture of Asia, and take you through the fascinating history and practice of the paan (betel nut) custom. And in case it all makes you feel a little peckish, we have also provided some inspiration for amazing restaurants, cafés, and other dining experiences for any mood, budget and event, so you can have your fix in any corner of Asia. Be warned though: your mouth will water and you may hear a rumble – from your tummy, of course. But we promise it will be worth the journey. attractions commercial centres hotels & resorts Newsstand Distribution ASIAN Geographic can be found in the following countries. If you have difficulty finding us on newsstands, please contact our distributors: ChinA and HONG KONG Times Publishing (HK) Ltd; INDONESIA Java Books; Philippines Alpha Stream Marketing; Malaysia Pansing Marketing Sdn Bhd; Singapore Singapore Press Holdings Ltd; THAILAND Asia Books Co Ltd media correspondents India, Sri Lanka RMA Media, Faredoon KUKA | Nepal, Bangladesh Media South Asia (P) Ltd | Thailand Radius | China Hainan Periscope Social Media Company | Japan Keiichi ARANTANI | a Shreya Acharya