Asian Geographic AG 05/2019 - 138 | Page 8

{ Ed i t o r ’ s NOTE } “He stepped back, pleased with himself, as though he had elucidated an intricate theorem. ‘So that’s the rule to remember, the whole quilt is much more important than any single square.’” ASIAN Geographic can be found on board and at the following locations: Airlines & Lounges Rohinton Mistry Clubs & societies CAFÉS & Restaurants tOURISM BOARDS R ohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance is a book I have read and reread, and recommended over and over. When Dinabai, the protagonist of the novel, creates a massive quilt out of cloth patches, happiness, sadness, experiences, and lives intertwine in a bigger picture – one that is ultimately made out of smaller memories. Very much so, in this issue, ASIAN Geographic commemorates 20 years as of 2019 by celebrating the richness and allure of companies and organisations, places and faces, all across 20 categories that have not only been in line with our publication’s themes and overall outlook, but also in the hearts of many around and beyond the region. For the last two decades, we have been honouring Asia’s diversity and vastness, and continue to highlight and discuss every facet of this exciting region,from environmental issues to science, exploration, travel and of course, the different heritage, art and cultures that pulsate through the continent and reinforce our vision of bringing Asia to the world. With this, we’d like to say thank you, reader, not only for venturing beyond borders with us, but also to have helped to deepen and broaden our collective understanding of this complex and colourful continent. After all, it may have been 20 years, but there is still so much to be discovered... attractions commercial centres hotels & resorts Newsstand Distribution ASIAN Geographic can be found in the following countries. If you have difficulty finding us on newsstands, please contact our distributors: ChinA and HONG KONG Times Publishing (HK) Ltd; INDONESIA Java Books; Philippines Alpha Stream Marketing; Malaysia Pansing Marketing Sdn Bhd; Singapore Singapore Press Holdings Ltd; THAILAND Asia Books Co Ltd media correspondents India, Sri Lanka RMA Media, Faredoon KUKA | [email protected] Nepal, Bangladesh Media South Asia (P) Ltd | [email protected] Thailand Radius | [email protected] China Hainan Periscope Social Media Company | [email protected] Japan Keiichi ARANTANI | [email protected] a Shreya Acharya