Asian Geographic AG 05/2019 - 138 | Page 6

Chairman LIM Geok Khoon E DI TOR I A L Publisher/Editorial Director John THET • [email protected] Editor Shreya ACHARYA • [email protected] Editorial intern Dorothy CLEMENT • [email protected] contributing Editor Ian BONGSO-SELDRUP • [email protected] No. 138 • Issue 5/2019 CONTENTS 12 Renowned Airlines of Asia 18 Asia in Numbers 20 Critically Endangered Animals of Asia Graphic Designer WONG Shee Leng • [email protected] Web/it Dutch CATALON • [email protected] 30 Acclaimed Fashion Brands in Asia A DV E R T I S I NG & M A R K ET I NG regional Business ManagerS Elysee TAN • [email protected] Desmond HO • [email protected] Jasmine TEE • [email protected] 36 DESIGN 98 Food & Beverage Companies in Asia 102 Island Tourism in Asia 52 Heritage Landmarks in Asia Events & Marketing Assistant Manager Karter LEE • [email protected] Prominent Cruises & Liveaboards Across Asia Visit Asia’s greatest cities and dive hotspots in luxurious style 46 Nora ISMAIL • [email protected] Notable Non-Governmental Organisations & Humanitarian Groups in Asia Some of the good people doing good for the less fortunate and at-risk among us Food and drink companies close to our childhoods and hearts. Includes subcategories: Unique Restaurants in Asia and Asian Beers of the World Project & Events Manager Marketing Executive 92 Capturing the essence of Asia Top Educational Institutes in Asia Enter the renowned and top-ranked Universities of Asia. Includes subcategory: Noteworthy Schools in Asia The local solution to looking good Ellfrance PHANG • [email protected] Jin KENG • [email protected] 86 Our furry and not-so-furry friends in danger Camera Brands in Asia Most Popular Mobile Brands in Asia We’re all part of the smartphone generation! Includes subcategory: Trending Mobile Applications in Asia The Busiest Airports and Most Visited Cities in the region calculated for stat lovers 24 Marketing Manager 76 Jet off in style Exquisite Spa Resorts & Villas Enter our list of exquisite spa resorts and villas in Asia, where we have choices for all Beautiful islands for diving, or simply for lounging on the beach UNESCO heritage sites and underrated structural beauties alike. Including subcategories: Shopping Malls to Visit in Asia and Modern Icons of Asia C I RC U L AT ION Senior traffic/production Manager Victor OW • [email protected] 66 5-Star Rated Hotels Editorial Submissions • [email protected] Subscriptions • [email protected] Feedback • [email protected] 70 Captivating Literature of Asia 76 Outstanding Local Brands of Asia This list features hotels that have everything you need for a pleasant stay Asia boasts a myriad diverse and engaging literary works waiting to be discovered and devoured 108 Famed Sporting Goods Companies in Asia It’s more than fitness; it’s a lifestyle 112 Exceptional Watch Brands in Asia Time is fleeting; at least make it pass in style FEATURE 74 An Epic Creation The birth of writing from ancient Sumer has led to prominent and influential literary works, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature Notable brands and names that should be celebrated over and over On the cover Patchwork Quilt When quilting, all patches form an integral part of a bigger picture. ASIAN Geographic celebrates its anniversary with brands far and wide that have established the expanse and impression of Asia with us. AsianGeo @asiangeographic @asiangeographic Copyright © 2019 by Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd. No material may be reproduced without written permission. This publication is purchased with the understanding that information is presented from many sources for which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher as to accuracy, originality, or completeness. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering product endorse- ments or providing instruction as a substitute for appropriate training by qualified sources. All content provided is accurate at the time of publishing. MCI (P) 097/06/2019; PPS 1367/04/2013 (022956) ISSN 0219-3310 Please recycle.