Asian Geographic AG 02/2019 - 135 | Page 8

online highlights What’s Online? PICTURESQUE ENVIRONMENT Currency Collages Have Micro and Nanoplastics Become Part of Our Diet? Text and Photos C. K. Wilde WHY cut up money? C. K. Wilde showcases “Alternating Currency”, the first currency collage he made with currency from all over the world. The piece was a critical reconfiguration of the system of capitalism and the cult of personality propaganda that banknotes represent. The material used and its handling necessitated deep reflection on the use of symbolic capital as a system of inter-human relations. Text Rachel Kwek and Terence Koh It is a well-known fact that microplastics swimming in our oceans are a huge problem but have they already found their way into our stomachs? CULTURE, HERITAGE Back from the Dead Text and Photos Claudio Sieber Eternal rest is a lifelong task for the indigenous people of South Sulawesi, who congregate to serve their dead relatives once every few years. Follow Claudio Sieber as he gets a first-hand look at the bizarre practices of the Toraja who believe their deceased loved ones never really die.