Asian Diver and Scuba Diver Issue 168 | Page 10

Yvette Lee
“ Life is like the ocean . It can be calm or still , and rough or rigid , but in the end , it is always beautiful .”
– Unknown
We are all connected by the ocean . It feeds us , and provides oxygen and fresh water . It is our largest temperature regulator , a source of minerals , medicines and energy . From time immemorial , people have waxed lyrical about its mystery , unpredictability , power and beauty , and more than people realise , how they need it for rejuvenation , calm and inspiration .
The ocean covers nearly three-quarters of the planet ’ s surface and holds about 95 percent of its possible living space . It contains the deepest valleys , the tallest mountains and the flattest plains , running for miles . This provides a wealth of habitats with room for a multitude of organisms , and sustains lengthy food chains , from plants and algae to the mighty apex predators . Although coral reefs make up just one measly percent of the ocean floor , they provide a home and sustenance for over 25 percent of all marine species , while coastal ecosystems like seagrass beds and mangroves protect coastlines and serve as nurseries for juvenile fish . Yet , the ocean faces numerous man-made threats , from overfishing and pollution to acidification and rising temperatures .
Thankfully , we have countless individuals fighting for change and the world is starting to sit up and listen . For decades , scientists have warned about how drastic changes in the ocean can affect the planet as a whole , and this is what we are now witnessing , with extreme weather , more intense flooding and wildfires , unbalanced ecosystems as well as the imminent loss of a vital food source . Thanks to them , the voices are now louder than ever to join the call for protection , conservation and sustainability . They have faced uncountable challenges and resistance , but they soldier on , for the good of everyone . We need to release the bite on the hand that feeds us , and start working together to make sure the ocean continues to provide , in all its abundance and glory .
This issue is an homage to all the ocean warriors , sung and unsung , the tiny cogs in an enormously large wheel , working tirelessly on everyone ’ s behalf , hoping to inspire an entire planet to action .
Love , peace , joy
Sol Foo