Asian Diver and Scuba Diver Issue 161 | Page 8

Now that you ’ re an Ocean Citizen , what about upgrading yourself to become a Sustainable Ocean Ambassador and help protect the oceans even more ? You ’ re only 4 steps away !

Now that you ’ re an Ocean Citizen , what about upgrading yourself to become a Sustainable Ocean Ambassador and help protect the oceans even more ? You ’ re only 4 steps away !

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Showcase your commitment to the sustainable use and conservation of oceans
Contribute to oceanic protection through demonstrations , promotions and education
Inspire rather than force people to make a change
Share your ideas , projects , and campaigns with others
FeedUp @ UN and Underwater360 are proud to confer the title of “ SUSTAINABLE OCEAN AMBASSADOR ” on individuals and corporations who have contributed towards marine conservation in accordance with guidelines set out by the Agricultural and Food Marketing Association for Asia and the Pacific in association with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
COMMUNITY Anyone from any corner of the world can become an Ocean Citizen . Our ocean without borders is open to everyone regardless of age or profession . All you have to do is follow the three steps , and register online to become an official Ocean Citizen .
To register as an official Ocean Citizen , head to this website on 16 September : www . oceancitizen . org
PARTNERS Partners of Ocean Citizens are invited to offer benefits to the community , and encourage more people to become Ocean Citizens .
MISSION ‘ Save Our Ocean , Protect Our Future ’
VISION A global blue economy partnership that sustainably utilises ocean resources for empowering economic wellness , social wellness and environmental wellness for livelihood creation , food security , and overall equality . A movement that is inclusive , not exclusive .
BENEFITS Iconic Global Network on Ocean Sustainability Partnership on Global Goals www . globalgoals . org / goals / 14-life-below-water