Asian Diver and Scuba Diver Issue 161 | Page 6

Want to become a part of our community of Ocean Citizens ? It ’ s easy … Just follow these 3 steps !
Here are 4 more ways to become a better Ocean Citizen :

Want to become a part of our community of Ocean Citizens ? It ’ s easy … Just follow these 3 steps !

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Don ’ t take anything that belongs in the ocean . Leave all marine life in the ocean where it belongs
Reduce your use of plastics . Choose items which are not single use and instead use durable , reusable items , such as bags , bottles , and straws . Choose materials like glass , paper , stainless steel , wool , ceramic and bamboo OVER PLASTIC
Take the Ocean Citizens ’ Pledge . WE are committed to the international solidarity built around the sustainable management of the ocean . WE pledge to adopt sustainable habits – to say NO to single-use plastics – in order to preserve the health of the ocean so that future generations will continue to benefit from the resources it provides . WE are committe to the ongoing mission to love and protect the ocean . WE are all # oceancitizens

Here are 4 more ways to become a better Ocean Citizen :

PARTICIPATE in environmentallydriven , community-led programmes such as beach cleanups
CONSERVE WATER at home . Most wastewater is not filtered or distilled and instead finds its way into the sea , releasing chemicals and other toxic pollutants into the oceans
RECYCLE what you can ’ t refuse , reduce or reuse . Pay attention to the entire life cycle of items you bring into your life , from source to manufacturing to distribution to disposal
EDUCATE YOURSELF on the do ’ s and don ’ ts of the ocean and how we , on an individual level , can encourage others to protect our oceans