Asian Diver and Scuba Diver Issue 02-2020 (155) | Page 10

MORE THAN JUST A DIVE SHOW 2010 ADEX DEDICATED TO SHARKS 2011 ADEX DEDICATED TO TURTLES 2012 ADEX DEDICATED TO MANTA RAYS 2013 ADEX DEDICATED TO WHALE SHARKS 2014 2015 DEDICATED TO DEDICATED TO ADEX ADEX CORAL REEFS DOLPHINS 2016 ADEX DEDICATED TO SEAHORSES 2017 2018 ADEX ADEX CONFRONTING DEDICATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE SHARKS 2019 ADEX DEDICATED TO A PLASTIC-FREE OCEAN PUBLISHER’S NOTE Embarking on a new decade, 2020 has presented many uncertainties and a multitude of challenges. For the 26th edition of Asia Dive Expo (ADEX), we were excited to return to the theme of a “Plastic-Free Ocean” for a second time to consider a range of new issues that have come to the fore since the marine plastic problem was first addressed at last year’s showr . The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has overshadowed everything, forcing us to postpone the ADEX 2020 show indefinitely. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them” – Albert Einstein Observing the need to recognise the various sectors that have worked diligently to keep plastic waste at bay, this issue of Asian Diver’s “The Big Blue Book” investigates, and celebrates, the efforts made by countries, cities, corporations, brands, and individuals. Keep a lookout for our other feature articles on the hidden plastic problem in the caves of Indonesia, the effects of plastic pollution on marine life, and the frightening impacts of “ghost nets” in Asia. With the rapid spread of the coronavirus and the unprecedented measures taken by governments around the world, the last few months have been a challenging time for the global economy, travel and tourism, and the dive industry. As the organiser of Asia Dive Expo, we have been faced with multiple challenges, and we would like to assure you that every decision has been made with careful consideration and with the support and advisories from Singapore Government agencies. ADEX has always been an event that convenes Asia’s dive industry and its community towards its vision – to entertain, educate and engage . In the spirit of bringing the industry and its community together, Underwater360° is introducing ADEX Pixel Expo , the first exclusive digital platform to represent “One industry. One ocean. One community” . I hereby invite all our dive industry partners to be a part of this platform, as this is the time to unite and fortify the dive industry and its community against an uncertain future. Premiering the world’s first digital dive show, ADEX Pixel Expo is a digital platform that connects the global dive industry, the blue economy sectors, and their community. The platform will offer podcasts, webinars, community forums, an expansive marketplace, a stunning image gallery showcasing 2,021 underwater images from all over the world, and more exciting elements – all accessible, of course, from the comfort of your own home. For me, the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in a Chinese live animal market, is a sobering reminder that our actions have direct consequences. Now, as the world slows to halt to deal with this crisis, giving Nature a brief respite and perhaps a chance to heal itself, I hope that we will all take this opportunity to reflect on our actions and how they affect the living things with which we share this planet and their habitats. 2020 ADEX THE BIG BLUE BOOK PURGE OF THE PLASTIC PANDEMONIUM DEDICATED TO A PLASTIC-FREE OCEAN (2nd Edition) Please join our “Ocean Citizen” campaign to pledge to protect the ocean and say no to single-use plastics. One Ocean. One Love. ONE OCEAN, ONE LOVE OCEAN John Thet Publisher, Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd CEO, Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) President, Media Publishers Association Singapore (MPAS) Founder, Underwater360, Historical Diving Society Asia (HDSA), Ocean Citizen CITIZEN TOGETHER WE PLEDGE AGAINST SINGLE-USE PLASTIC