Asian Diver and Scuba Diver Issue 02/2017 (108) | Page 6

# contents 06 # briefing 10 # uw360 20 # uwphotography 82 # portfolio ERNEST H. BROOKS II 96 # divetrip LANG TENGAH ISLAND 112 # icon THE BLUE MARBLE OceanPlanet wow Wild About Life 38 PINNACLE IN PERIL By Stephen Wong & Takako Uno Tracking the steady erosion of an iconic dive site in the heart of the Coral Triangle proves how vital it is for divers to step up to make a difference 92 94 Phototips MASTERING BY MANUAL By Tim Ho Oceans’ 11 SPECIES THAT CLEAN 100 Americas CALIFORNIA’S GALÁPAGOS By Antonio Busiello Who would have thought that one of the most impressive marine environments lies just off the coast of Los Angeles? 104 Europe SEVEN HAVENS By Rui Guerra Protected for more than 20 years, these islands are the living jewels of the Mediterranean Africa 108 SUMPTUOUS FEATURE SEYCHELLES 40 DIVING MAKES A DIFFERENCE By Various Contributors Proving that the scuba diving industry can be harnessed as a force in the fight to save the oceans, meet the four inspiring winners of the first annual BlueGreen360 Awards! 14 ADEX 2017 Taking the dive show to another level, this was an event that the world is going to be talking about for a long time yet! By Imran Ahmad Building on a heritage of ocean stewardship, dive sites in the Seychelles are simply exploding with marine life