Asia-Pacific Broadcasting (APB) Systems Integration 2015 | Page 13
Emerging technologies, workfl ows redefi ned
KVM becomes the heart and
backbone of broadcast
by roland ollek
Where it rather was a side issue just a
few years ago, today broadcast infra-
structures can no longer be imagined
without KVM (keyboard, video and
mouse) anymore. Not least because
of the ongoing convergence between
broadcast and IT technology, this effi -
cient control technology has become an
integral part of the broadcast industry.
Platform-independent KVM sys-
tems, simply explained, deal with the
distribution and extension of computer
signals, and in the process, vastly sim-
plifies heterogeneous broadcasting
Th anks to KVM, diverse applica-
tions, as well as distribution installa-
tions, can be consolidated in a single,
homogeneous user platform. Th is has
enabled the systems to develop into
powerful control tools over time, and
thus easily becoming the fundamental
backbone of an IT infrastructure.
Th e universal deployment of KVM
systems in turn results in further advan-
tages for heterogeneous environments
in the Asia-Pacifi c region.
In addition to the already highly
developed technology centres that cur-
rently run on complex broadcast infra-
structures, we also see emerging regions
which currently fi nd themselves em-
barking on the transition into a new era.
Here, where digitisation is just mak-
ing its entrance, analogue systems are
occasionally still used. A KVM infra-
structure is ideal in this context, as it
can operate both digital and analogue
systems. Th is is a massive advantage for
a step-wise migration.
For Asian countries that are already
deeply entrenched in Ultra HD (UHD)
implementation, KVM also provides the
basis for high-performing installations.
With the current relevance of KVM
systems, the correct components are
For Asian countries that are
already deeply entrenched
in UHD implementation,
KVM provides the basis
for high-performing
crucial, and a number of questions re-
garding the system architecture, system
size, cabling and operating concepts are
raised in the initial planning stages.
Must video signals be transmit-
ted compressed, or transparently, and
what should these operating concepts
look like?
To answer such questions an d,
above all, implement a future-proof sys-
tem that is also prepared for subsequent
requirements and can be expanded,
we at Guntermann & Drunck (G&D)
depend on comprehensive project con-
sultancy. For this reason, we refuse the
use of OEM businesses and sales via
simple distributors.
Instead, for the integration of our
devices, we install carefully selected lo-
cal partners who have received extensive
product training — but beyond that,
who are also familiar with the exact
on-site conditions and requirements,
and are able to address them. An added
value that systems integrators provide
is the ability to manage further parts
of an installation, other than the pure
KVM part.
Th e training department specially
run by G&D puts the regionally based
partners in the position where they
can advise, alongside the manufacturer
itself, on the optimal solution, and are
able to off er the best post-installation
service. Th is further enhances the qual-
ity standards that G&D insists upon.
This approach has always helped
the manufacturer to remain as close as
possible to the market, and therefore
quickly react to related requirements.
Th is is why we are also proud of our
capability to support diff erent solutions
for video transmission — depending on
individual market requirements.
Hence, we provide not only sys-
tems for transparent, uncompressed
video transmission of up to 4K at
60Hz, but also an in-house developed
and extremely powerful compression
Ultimately, video is currently the
most important signal in the KVM
signal mix in broadcast terms, and so
a manufacturer cannot aff ord to lose
control of this core competence. Th e
question as to which type of optimal
For the integration of our devices, we
install carefully selected local partners
who have received extensive product
training — but beyond that, who are also
familiar with the exact on-site conditions
and requirements, and are able to
address them.
video transmission to use can also be
answered by the systems integrator if
Th e aforementioned convergence
of formerly separate technologies has
meant that, today, powerful KVM sys-
tems also process more than the usual
PC signals. G&D systems now support
originary broadcast signals such as SDI
and multi-channel audio and, thanks
to the compatibility and expandability
of components, systems can grow ac-
cordingly, and the installations are thus
prepared for future requirements.
In addition to the basic benefi ts of
KVM — smart workfl ow optimisation
and decluttered workplaces in studios
or OB vans — additional control fea-
tures bring an even greater added value.
Ancillary functions off er comprehen-
sive security concepts as well as options
for external systems operation.
In summary, the various options
refer back to the point on why G&D re-
lies so heavily on good advice and good
support for its customers — either di-
rectly or through its systems integration
partners, regionally spread throughout
the Asia-Pacifi c region.
As Koh Tian Teck of eNova
Technologies, our Singapore partner,
said: “Right from the beginning
the cooperation with G&D
has been excellent. Th e KVM
knowledge provided by their
individual training sums up
perfectly with our technical
expertise and detailed knowl-
edge of the Singapore market.
We’re happy to pass on
this expertise to our
customers via in-depth
Roland Ollek is CEO
Sales & Marketing at
Guntermann & Drunck / 11