September 2016
Where should fibre optics go
in broadcasting?
HD (UHD) TV will inevitably
create an impact, we should
not be anxious about our
While almost all attention
own work currently.
was focused on the hot topic
Any new technology
of IP at BroadcastAsia2016,
will take quite a while to be
there still stands an old lady
mature and reliable, and to
of broadcasting — fibre-optic
be completely compatible
technology. No matter how open
with different broadcast
standards and interoperability
systems. Nevertheless,
work for current and future IP
reliable and stable fibresystems, fibre-optic transmission
optic systems have been
remains a valuable way for
running for decades. Before
backhaul link and a key platform
better solutions can be
for delivering live sports, military,
found, fibre optics is still the
entertainment or other live
best option.
What fibre-optic services
Some entrepreneurs and
and solutions providers
engineers who still work on fibreshould do is to be confident
optic broadcast technologies
with what they provide with
naturally worry where they
Figure 1: Fibre-optic systems remain irreplaceable in live broadcasting, especially in headend applications,
their own technologies.
should go. How will the new
where recording, editing and production are key functions in the main broadcast workflow.
Then, try to improve their
technology affect existing ones
and where should fibre optics go in
limitations when transmitting
What applications are fibre optics systems by adding new and userfriendly features so that they can be
broadcast industry? Before we answer
signals in both uni-and bidirection
still popular in?
adapted with technologies such as
these questions, let us review how
simultaneously. Traditional copper
As the need for more bandwidth
IP and 4K/UHD. These features may
fibre optics works.
systems can realise any bidirectional
increases rapidly, the efficient use of
include plug-and-play installation
communication in only one direction
fibre-optic network backbone goes
capability, wide compatibility to
How does fibre optics work?
at a time and even digital networks
up dramatically as well. No matter
current and future technologies, as
Any fibre-optic system is designed to
can only switch rapidly between
what the network is, either Internet or
convert signals from electrical into
transmit and receive to mimic
SDH (synchronous optical networking) well as reliability and stability.
Solution providers like Opvision
optic, transport those signals over
bidirectional communication. As a
or fibre-optic systems, they all use
are well experienced in applying
long distances via optic fibre and
result, bandwidth is cut in half.
fibre-optic backbone for remote
fibre-optic systems to broadcast
then convert them back into electrical
transmission. From this point of view,
applications. Opvision provides fibresignals for output. Thus, a fibreReason 3: Immunity to
fibre optics will last forever.
optic links from venues to remote
optic system consists of four basic
On the other hand, due to
broadcast trucks in sporting events,
components: a transmitter, a receiver,
A fibre-optic cable carries only signal
herein stated advantages of fibre
such as the 2008 Olympic Games, the
fibre cable and connectors.
information of light at a frequency
optics, some systems still consider
China National College Sports Games
A fibre-optic cable has a
thousands of times higher than
fibre optics as the first priority
and the Shanghai Winter Run.
transparent fibre core that is thinner
normal electrical signals. Thus, the
of applications, especially in live
With a focus on technology
than a human hair, which allows for
fibre-optic signal is immune to the
broadcasting. Let us take the typical
and improvements,
the signal-modulated light beam
conventional forms of interference,
application of live sports as an
follows market
to pass through. Although there
such as RF, AC power lines, arcing
example for further elaboration.
in integrating new
are shorter plastic fibre cables for
high voltages and even nearby
Today, sports venues are
its new systems. This
household applications, only glass
lightning strikes.
independent of broadcasters to
includes the OPV450 backhaul link
fibres are employed in broadcastproduce their own content in the
solution, which carries four channels
quality systems due to their
Reason 4: Total electrical
local networks, which can consist
of 3Gbps video signals simultaneously,
advantages of higher purity and
of large video displays, electronic
thus supporting 4K/UHD applications.
less thickness. It is well known that
Because it transmits only light
scoreboards, digital signage and
Other changes to existing features,
the thinner core results in higher
signals, the fibre-optic cable can be
remote cameras. A single, thin fibrewhile
minor, are also very important
bandwidth capacity.
made up of glass or plastic — totally
optic cable can replace miles of
application fields.
non-conductive materials. Thus, in a
copper cables to serve all these media
Why use a fibre-optic transmission fibre-optic link, one has no worries
is the environmental
functions simultaneously, while IP
working temperature, and many
about ground loops, hum bars in a
network cable and Wi-Fi are limited
Reason 1: Uncompression
providers have extended their
video system, short circuits or signal
by distance and strength in the field.
and transparency
environmental specifications to cover
leakage between conductors. Due to
Fibre-optic systems are powerful
A fibre-optic system is baseband
an operating temperature range of
the same reason, high voltages and
enough to multiplex multiple signals
point-to-point transmission without
between -35°C and +75°C.
even total immersion in water have
— audio, video or data — into
compression, ensuring transparency
Today’s broadcast systems must
no effect on the signal.
a single fibre-optic cable. Fibreand complete fidelity of signals. This
with future-proof features
optic systems are also flexible to
property makes fibre-optic systems
of the constantly changing
Reason 5: Safety
adapt quickly to different in-field
irreplaceable in live broadcasting,
industrial requirements. Most
The material of glass is safe enough
requirements, such as communicating
especially in headend applications,
HDTV productions are now utilising
to be unaffected by most chemicals
among multi-venue control rooms,
where recording, editing and
uncompressed 1.5Gbps, 2.97Gbps,
and solvents. The fibre-optic cable
re-locating mobile units away from
production are key functions in the
or even 6Gbps (4K/UHD). Bandwidth
can thus be employed in different
venues for security reasons, and faster
main broadcast workflow (refer to
requirements are thus increased to
and adverse environments, because
set-up and tear-down requirements
Figure 1). These require extremely
10/30/50Gbps for one to multiple
the optical-only signal makes the
before and after each event.
high quality of video and audio signals system intrinsically safe. For example,
channels of 4K/UHD.
without any delay before distribution.
Only a fibre-optic communications
Where should those who are
if a fibre is broken somewhere, it
infrastructure can accommodate the
working on fibre optics go?
neither provides a shock hazard nor
Reason 2: High bandwidth
next generation of fast-changing
Although the most advanced
produces a spark in an explosive
A fibre-optic system has no bandwidth atmosphere.
broadcast systems. ❑
technologies such as IP and 4K/Ultra
by dr nancy su
Dr Nancy Su is
of Opvision
Only a
the next
generation of