September 2016
quality keeps
watching on
Ikegami collaborated with Japanese public
broadcaster NHK to develop the SHK-810 8K
2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
Games in 8K.
One company that is working closely
with NHK to develop production equipment that supports
8K is Ikegami Electronics.
Commenting on Ikegami’s
collaboration with NHK,
Tomonori Abe of Ikegami
Electronics (Europe), explains:
caster in
“Ikegami’s efforts to develop 8K
broadcast production equipment
last year. The 8K OB vehicle is dehave focused on achieving extremely high
signed to operate as a complete mobile
resolution combined with Ikegami’s proven
8K broadcast production facility capable
ability to deliver very wide dynamic range
of producing TV of “unsurpassed picture
image processing.”
quality” and with 22.2 channel surround
In 2002, Ikegami developed its firstsound.
generation 8K camera in cooperation
Abe elaborates: “The vehicle’s speciwith NHK, followed by the second- and
fications allow it to be operated not only
third-generation models released in 2004
in Japan but also worldwide, so it can be
and 2010 respectively. In March last year,
operated for global sporting events such
the fourth-generation SHK-810 8K TV
as the Olympics. It can be expanded to accamera was introduced, offering “greater
commodate additional equipment as and
miniaturisation and improved processing
when required.”
quality”. Abe adds: “The SHK-810 is about
The 8K OB vehicle, equipped with SHKone-tenth the size and weight of Ikegami’s
810 cameras, was on-site throughout last
first-generation 8K camera, and offers sigmonth’s 2016 Rio Olympics to deliver 8K
nificant improved operability.”
broadcast of the opening and closing cerDesigned for live studio and field apemonies, as well as selected athletic events,
plications, the SHK-810 is said to be the
to audiences in Japan.
“world’s first” hand-held 8K production
During major sports events such as the
camera. Weighing less than 9kg, the SHKOlympics, large broadcast networks deploy
810 employs a single 33 million-pixel
slow-motion and replay systems to analyse
Super 35 CMOS sensor to achieve
detailed movements of a
4,000TVL horizontal and vertical
particular player or action,
resolution. The SHK-810 also
which has just happened
features a standard SMPTE fibre
within split seconds. From
cable that connects the camera
the audience’s perspective,
and the CCU, enabling longslow-motion effect also
distance transmission for live
creates the atmosphere
and builds anticipation, in
When delivering a live event
addition to watching the
via an 8K ecosystem, the key
playback from different
challenge is the
need for moT he s e sl ow bi l it y, Ab e
motion and replay
highlights. As
systems, however,
8K broadcast
constrained to
3Play Mini portable console
allows producers to hand-carry
either a rack in the transcaptures 16 times more image one small suite of tool that offers mission studio or in an
slow-motion and instant replay
information than HDTV, the capabilities.
OB truck.
production infrastructure is
To make slow-motion
also much larger in size, and requires more
and replay capabilities available to a broader
power consumption and number of cables
range of producers with budget constraints,
compared to HDTV.
NewTek is continuing to innovate and
He continues: “Therefore, organising an
develop its 3Play Mini, a portable slow8K outside broadcast (OB) vehicle is much
motion and instant replay console.
more challenging than designing and proScott Carroll, director of public reladucing traditional OB vehicles.”
tions for NewTek, explains that one of
For instance, Ikegami helped to outfit
the contributing factors in developing the
NHK’s 8K OB production vehicle, which
3Play Mini was because “NewTek noticed
was delivered to the Japanese public broada need among producers who do not
Designed as a complete mobile 8K broadcast production facility, Ikegami’s 8K OB
vehicle is capable of producing “unsurpassed” picture quality for TV with 22.2
surround sound.
necessarily want to purchase
replay-only equipment that
costs too much and takes up
The portable 3Play Mini offers replay
and review capabilities for producers to
preview and playback at any angle, or at
multiple angles of a recorded event to deliver
different viewing perspectives for replay and
official verification. Designed to be operated
like a tablet with the browser-based control
interface, producers can cue, set playback
speed and manage replay.
Besides having replay and review cap
abilities, the 3Play Mini also features a
flexible output for producers to send instant
replays, slow-motion effects, highlights,
graphics and transitions. Also included are
stored package sequences to the switcher,
streaming encoder, scoreboard, and the
ability to publish the video clips on social
media platforms.
Carroll concludes: “With 3Play Mini,
producers can hand-carry one small suite
of tools that makes it easy to access, set up
and create professional looking shows from
anywhere they are. Without having to connect a lot of expensive gear, producers can
give fans an incredible viewing experience,
even at the smallest events.”
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