Asia-Pacific Broadcasting (APB) Satellie Special Supplement 2015 | Page 9
Satellite a key delivery platform in Asia-Pacific
4K on the fast track – Asia is paving
the way for UHDTV
by peter ostapiuk
K Ultra High-Definition Television
(UHDTV) is gaining momentum
in Asia and around the globe. 4K
UHDTV sets are becoming more readily
available, their prices are continuing to
fall, and more content is being filmed in
4K UHD and being made available. At first
blush, 4K UHDTV may be on a faster tra-
jectory than first projected, particularly
within the Asia-Pacific region.
That being said, content is still king
and the importance of delivering true
high-quality 4K UHD content — linear
and non-linear, and regardless of the
device — is becoming increasingly im-
portant for the commercialisation of 4K
UHDTV. A majority (82%) of the leading
global media executives who participated
in Intelsat’s September 2014 survey, 4K
UHDTV: Adoption and Business Models,
respondents agreed on the type of content
cited the availability of mass 4K UHD
expected to first gain momentum for 4K
content as critical to the acceleration of
UHDTV, technical and non-technical me-
widespread adoption. A majority (71%)
dia executives were split around the busi-
also viewed getting a return on the in-
ness model where 4K UHDTV will take
vestment as their top concern, followed
hold — with technical professionals call-
by transmission and content production
ing video-on-demand (VoD)/over-the-top
costs (67% respectively).
(OTT) the first models for adoption, while
Today, more programmers are cap-
non-technical executives, those closest
turing content in 4K UHD and the deliv-
to the customer, call-
ery of linear 4K UHD
Content is still king ing for direct-to-home
continues to be tested.
Intelsat and its eco-
and the importance (DTH) platforms.
This is largely due
system partners first
of delivering true
to the inherent con-
transmitted a true 4K
UHD signal over satel- high-quality 4K UHD flict that comes with
any new offering.
lite in North America
content — linear
Commercial execu-
in June 2013, and re-
and non-linear, and tives want to move to
cently, in December
offering linear services
last year, Intelsat, Time
regardless of the
in 4K UHDTV, but tech-
Warner Cable Sports
a n d i t s e co s y ste m device — is becoming nical exe cutives are
concerned that they will
partners succes sfully
only be able to launch
conducted a live 4K
important for the
VoD as they remain
UHDTV end-to-end test
of a major National commercialisation of unsure that multiple-
system operators will
Basketball Association
be ready to receive the
(NBA) sporting event
content; however, despite the timing con-
in the US. This is a major milestone as
cerns, these same leaders are consider-
nearly half (42%) of leading global media
ing moving forward with 4K UHDTV due
executives who participated in the Intelsat
to the need to differentiate their offerings
survey pointed to 4K UHD sports content
and to attract and retain subscribers.
as a driving force for adoption.
As 4K UHDTV continues to evolve,
The closed test also proves that 4K
satellite is strongly positioned to play a
UHDTV equipment available in the mar-
key enabling role from a ubiquity, cost and
ketplace is ready to transmit a major live
network flexibility standpoint. Satellite
sports event from the venue to the home.
will play a particularly important role in
While the majority of Intelsat’s survey
the delivery of 4K UHD content via push-
VoD for DTH. This method is secure,
highly reliable, of high quality and can
extend to the most remote regions of the
world. Additionally, if media providers
need flexibility across multiple distribu-
tion networks, Intelsat, with its global
hybrid satellite network, is uniquely
positioned to deliver wide and spot beam
coverage that will help its media custom-
ers introduce 4K UHDTV, regardless of
the distribution platform.
In the coming months, media exe-
cutives will be evaluating these various
distribution platforms and building eco-
nomic models based on the distribution
paths they believe are best suited to drive
rapid adoption and a return on their in-
vestment for 4K UHDTV. As industry lead-
ers roll out their plans to bring 4K UHDTV
to the mass market, the technology is in
place to support widespread adoption
and the focus will continue to be on the
economics — content development and
4K UDHTV sales need to keep up the pace
to ensure commercial success.
That being said, when it comes to
4K UHDTV adoption, Intelsat’s
survey respondents predicted
that the Asia-Pacific region is ex-
pected to pave the way. As is com-
mon for cutting-edge consumer
trends, all eyes are on Asia.
According to
a September
2014 survey
by Intelsat,
the Asia-
Pacific region
is expected
to lead the
way when
it comes to
with satellite
to play a key
role from a
ubiquity, cost
and network
Peter Ostapiuk is vice-president,
Media Product Management,