Asia-Pacific Broadcasting (APB) BroadcastAsia2016 Show Daily - Day 2 | Page 8


Lawo ’ s V __ matrix offers software-defined IP routing and processing platform

A founding member of AIMS , Lawo is at booth
5M7-02 to highlight a range of products promoting open IP broadcast standards . Andreas Hilmer , director , marketing and communications , Lawo , reveals more .
Being a founding member of AIMS , what is your key message to broadcasters in Asia when it comes to achieving IP interoperability across the industry ? Andreas Hilmer : IP-based infrastructure is there without any doubt — and it is available today . For broadcasters and service providers , IP is a great opportunity to build up competitive advantages . IP is future-proof and the flexibility and improved workflows it offers far exceed the costs involved with the transition to IP technology .
This transition to IP provides room for new creativity in system and workflow designs , resulting in increased productivity . The good news is : as the majority of vendors agree on a joint set of open standards to build their products on , this ensures interoperability between the vendors and makes investments in IP infrastructure secure .
The Alliance for IP Media Solutions ( AIMS ) and Media Networking Alliance ( MNA ), the associations Lawo has co-founded for this purpose , are actively promoting the adoption of a comprehensive , ubiquitous set of open IP broadcast standards .
Lawo ’ s products and solutions are developed with respects to the AIMS roadmap and further than that , Lawo has gained comprehensive expertise in real-world IP projects , ranging from OB trucks and studios to the largest sports and entertainment events .
IP technology is available today , and due to the success of AIMS , there is a clear roadmap followed by manufacturers , which ensures that products are interoperable and today ’ s investments are safe for the future .
A recent major announcement by Lawo is the introduction of the V _ matrix IP broadcast video core infrastructure . What are some of the key functionalities that V __ matrix will offer broadcasters ? Hilmer : V __ matrix is a softwaredefined IP routing and processing platform , offering a completely virtualised real-time routing and processing infrastructure for live production broadcast .
The Lawo V __ matrix ecosystem is based on generic high-capacity core processing blades upon which virtual modules are loaded to create the functionality required . Multiple processing blades are connected to a high-capacity COTS switch with redundant 10GE and 40GE connections to form a distributed IP routing and processing matrix with
frame-accurate , clean switching — just like a legacy baseband matrix .
Lawo ’ s VSM broadcast control and monitoring system serves as the control layer , providing an integrated user interface , which enables the switching and routing of signals both in the IP and SDI domains .
VSM includes the Lawo SDN Control for video routing with frame-accurate clean switching in the IP domain , as well as control and monitoring for existing legacy SDI infrastructure and the largest support of third-party broadcast equipment . V __ matrix is fully based on open standards , in line with the AIMS roadmap : SMPTE 2022-6 / -7 ,
VSF TR-03 / 04 , AES67 plus SMPTE VC-2 and Ember +, to ensure the customer ’ s transition to a 100 % future-proof total IP-based broadcast environment .
What other highlights can visitors expect from Lawo ? Hilmer : Lawo is also showing and demonstrating the RƎLAY virtual mixer . RƎLAY is the equivalent of an entire radio studio ’ s worth of equipment , all running in a virtualised PC environment with an easy-to-use , intuitive , multi-touchenabled GUI .
RƎLAY has been designed to do everything a traditional radio console can do , and more , and is a fully
❝ Lawo has gained comprehensive expertise in real-world IP projects , ranging from OB trucks and studios to the largest sports and entertainment events ... And due to the success of AIMS , there is a clear roadmap followed by manufacturers , which ensures that products are interoperable and today ’ s investments are safe for the future .❞
— Andreas Hilmer , Director , Marketing and
Communications , Lawo
featured portable studio , complete with analogue and digital I / O and a four- or eight-fader virtual mixer . This is all contained in a heavy-duty RƎLAY backpack with space for a laptop and other on-air accessories such as mics and headphones .
Other showcases include VSM , Lawo ’ s independent broadcast control and monitoring system for both baseband- and IP-based broadcast installations , the IPbased V __ line video interfacing , processing and routing devices , the renowned mc ² 36 all-in-one audio production console , and our latest range of radio consoles such as sapphire compact and crystalCLEAR .


Booth 5A5-13

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