Asia-Pacific Broadcasting (APB) BroadcastAsia2016 Show Daily - Day 2 | Page 24

24 BROADCASTASIA2016 SHOWDAILY 24 8am: Registration Morning Plenary — Joint plenary with CommunicAsia summit [VENUE: HIBISCUS 3611] 9am: Chairman’s Welcome Address Tony Poulos, Managing Editor, Disruptive Views and Columnist, Telecom Asia 9.10am: Opening Keynote Address Gabriel Lim, CEO (Designate), Infocommunications Media Development Authority (IMDA) 9.30am: Visionary Address The Next 5 years in Global Digital Transformation n The next 5 years will bring exponential changes in how we communicate, how we consume media and content, how we transact and do business and how we learn and design our future much of it will be driven by globally increased connectivity, super-computing and vastly more powerful interfaces. n Outlining the key trends for the next 5 years, entering on mobilisation, digitisation, screenification, intelligisation (sic), automation and robotisation and what will it mean to b e human? Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Author, CEO, The Futures Agency, Switzerland 10am: Thought-Leaders’ Panel New Media Opportunities: Collaborating in a Disruptive Phase n Disruptive growth in Asian context: How to differentiate content and compete n How new business models in paid content market can help sustain and grow customers in the era of intensified disruption? n Exploring opportunities in the Asian OTT market: Collaborative approaches for telecoms, broadcasters and content developers n The road ahead for telecom and terrestrial broadcasting convergence Panellists: - Malcolm Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer, MyRepublic - Shane Mitchell, Chief Digital Officer, Mediacorp - Krishnan Rajagopalan, Co-founder and Chief Content and Distribution Officer, HOOQ - Gary McLaren, CTO, Hong Kong Broadband Network Moderator: Tony Poulos, Managing Editor, Disruptive Views and Columnist, Telecom Asia 10.40am: Morning Break and Refreshments [VENUE: PEONY JUNIOR 4411] Track C2: Capturing Viewers with Immersive Experiences — At Home and On the Go 10.55am: Chairman’s Address Natan Edelsburg, Executive Vice-President, Muck Rack & Shorty Awards 11am: Spotlight on Sportscasting: Delivering a Unique 28th SEA Games Experience through Multiple Digital Platforms n Singapore SEA Games Organising Committee’s (SINGSOC) digital strategy to integrate digital broadcast initiatives like the TV App — what worked/ what didn’t? n Compelling content packaging and 1 June 2016 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS delivery within an immersive platform (TV App) to achieve greater fan engagement n Leveraging TV App/technology to further better engage fans in Singapore and the SEA region n Technology deployed to grow digital traffic, and architecture to enable interactive multiple screes, cameras and devices experience Joint Presentation: - Thomas Lim, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy, Sport Singapore - Harbans J Singh, Deputy Director, Digital, Sport Singapore - Mike Snell, VP of Sales APAC, EVS 11.40am: The State of TV Pirating: How the Rough Waters of Torrenting and Illegal Downloading are Creating Hurdles and Opportunities for Broadcasters n The state of TV pirating — How have the top torrenting sites evolved in the face of legal issues and why they are still so popular n The benefits of having your content pirated n The hurdles of having your content pirated n What broadcasters can learn from pirating to create more immersive content experiences Natan Edelsburg, Executive Vice President, Muck Rack & Shorty Awards 12.10pm: TVut: Second Screen Applications and Capitalisation Opportunities n Cultivating the right user experience to attract and retain the audience n How to monetise second-screen through leveraging audience engagement? n Is second-screen a new revenue opportunity for networks and programmers? n Capatalise marketing and advertising revenue through second-screen searchers n Making effective use of technology as a monetisation tool n Case study TVUT-KBS 2nd Screen service platform Daehoon Choi, Research Engineer, Korea Broadcasting System (KBS) 12.40pm: Lunch Break and Exhibition Viewing 1.30pm: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Case Study: Immersive Entertainment for Live Racing — Tested Technology and Experience n Surrounded racegoers with the world’s most cutting-edge technology to redefine the racing experience n Immersive experience for racegoers — Enhanced on-track action with live broadcasts, up-to-the-minute racing feeds, interactive photo booth, nextgeneration audio-visual entertainment, and mobility solutions n Technology being deployed and experience gained n What worked and what did not Oonagh Chan, Head of Broadcasting Services, The Hong Kong Jockey Club 2pm: Taiwan Case Study: Current Broadcasting Market and the Rise of Multi-Channel Networks in Taiwan n What is the current broadcasting landscape and how the business models are changing? n Managing emerging Multi-Channel Networks (MCNs) and to capitalise on rising digital video trends in Taiwan n How viewing is diversifying across multiple screens and content niches? n How will monetisation strategies evolve? n Highlights on broadcasting technology Leh-Chyun Lin, Vice President, Public Television Services Taiwan 2.30pm: I Heart Subscribers: When Fighting for Subscribers’ Hearts and Minds; Are Content and Value for Money the only Differentiators? What Part Does a Personalised Experience Across the Customer Journey Play in Driving Engagement, Growing ARPU and Reducing Churn?’ n Understand what the critical moments are in the customer journey and why each step is important to an immersive experience n Learn what consumers think during critical moments — what frustrates them? What experiences do they like? n Consider that not all subscribers are equal. How could you handle different personas across the customer journey? n What real world examples and best practice can be used to tackle some of the key moments in the customer journey? Bhavesh Vaghela, Chief Marketing Officer, Paywizard 3pm: Smartphone Emerges as Hub for Entertainment Discovery & Home Control n With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and now IR connection modes available in most smartphones, these ubiquitous and ever present personal devices are now evolving into a major gateway both for video entertainment and control of the smart home n Asia in many respects is leading the way in services across multiple platforms and territories: How is the market developing differently around the globe? n Global survey: Consumer preferences for smart phone features n Case study: What does Peel tune-in data tell us about entertainment video consumption around the globe? Kishore Poreddy, Head – India, Peel 3.30pm: Afternoon Break 4pm: The Key Takeaways When comes to content capitalisation strategies, penetrative angles and the ability to bring your audiences to embark on the journey with you through the emotional-compelling storytelling and complementing technologies that will maximise their experience are the new age approaches to cater the growing expectations of millennials audiences. In this se ssion, just before the afternoon break commences, delegates are encouraged to post their questions related to the commercial angles within the content capitalisation strategies, especially those that were not addressed in any of the sessions today. 5pm: Chairman’s Closing Remarks and End of Conference Day 2 [VENUE: PEONY JUNIOR 4511] Track T2: Broadcast Standards & Video Encoding Technologies 10.55am: Chairman’s Address Dr Amal Punchihewa, Director of Technology & Innovation, ABU 11am: Latest News from the DVB Project n Latest news on DVB technologies, standards and announcements n What will be the relevance of broadcast TV in the future? n Regional perspectives on technological developments and activities n What’s in store for 2017 and beyond? Dr Peter Siebert, Executive Director, DVB Project Office 11.30am: The Challenges of UHD Formats and Standardisation n UHDTV standards update — The more and the better pixels? n What are content providers, broadcasters priorities, activities and why? n What are service providers priorities, activities and why? n What are the challenges for the technology moving forward? n The data rate challenge — How to deliver UHD? n When will UHD be deployed in 2016? Thierry Fautier, Vice-President Video Strategy, Harmonic Inc., President, Ultra HD Forum 12pm: Latest Updates on Video Coding n What is the uptake on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)? n Latest update on MPEG Standardisation n What are the current video coding technologies in the market? n Is there an alternative on MPEG? Femin John, Director, ATEME 12.30pm: Lunch Break and Exhibition Viewing 1.30pm: Mobile Television with T2: Where Do We Stand? n DTT reception with mobile devices what is the market uptake? n How is the wireless T2 technology enabling it? n Low power consumption and diversity reception — Are the right chip sets in place? n What are updates on the DVB-T2 industry standard in key European and Asian countries? Robert Vermeer, Global Marketing Manager, Sony Semiconductor 2pm: Virtual Reality: The Next Big Thing in Broadcast n Will VR find its way into broadcast? n Will VR in sports become a reality sooner than anticipated? n What are the challenges of creating a good VR content and 360 video? highlights for VR gaming and video Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schäfer, Head, Video Division, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute 2.30pm: UHDTV: Where Are We Heading? n Update on UHDTV Standards n Update on EBU’s plans toward UHDTV n Analysing the End to End chain: What are the remaining technological obstacles to UHDTV adoption Dr Peter Siebert, Senior Manager, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Technology & Innovation 3pm: Afternoon Break n Technology 3.30pm: TS or not TS? Is that the Question? n What was the TS designed to do, and why was it designed that way? n What has changed since the TS was first designed? n TS and non-TS solutions: Do they, or should they, compete or cooperate? n What are the implications of this debate for Standards Organisations? Kevin Murray, System Architect, Cisco 4pm: The Future of Terrestrial Broadcast n Current and anticipated role of terrestrial broadcasting n What are the trends and developments? n Update on technology, services and consumer expectations, spectrum requirements and regulations n Debate between terrestrial broadcast and broadband Frank Herrmann, Project Leader – Digital Television Projects, Panasonic R&D Centre 4.30pm: UHD Displays and HDR+ Viewing Experience — Technology and Standards Guidelines for Interoperability n Fundamental details surrounding High Dynamic Range (HDR+) and its expected impact on the future of TV n Outlining the necessary elements within Ultra High Definition (UHD) and how they each affect the viewing experience n Standardization requirements needed to bring about the next stage of UHD TV n The impact on broadcasters, including an assessment of timeframes for upcoming UHD phases Khush Kundi, Head of Compression, APAC, Ericsson 5pm: Audio Technologies for Immersive Audio Experience n Broadcast industry moves to a new standard — How to deliver a more immersive audio experience to the customer beyond the limitations of 5.1? n What technology is behind the Immersive (3D) new audio experience? n New features of 3D and object oriented Audio to TV and streaming sound n Technology in the home for the new audio experience Satoshi OODE, Research Engineer, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)