Revolutionary New Robotic Head
Go beyond a PTZ and
future proof your studio
The only compact robotic head that offers
ultimate motion control and unmatched flexibility
in the studio while enabling broadcast-quality
video - an ideal alternative to the traditional PTZ.
Camera and lens agnostic
Cost effective
Uniquely compatible
with the latest cameras
including pro-camcorders
All the functionality of
a high-end solution at
a lower price
Compact and lightweight
Continuous variable
speed control
Discreetly fits within any
studio environment
Smooth on-air quality of
motion enables high-end
moving preset shots
Quick set up
Future proof your studio
Works with existing
HD-VRC control
Allows you to change
your camera and lens as
your needs adapt
From smooth on-air motion to being camera and
lens agnostic, the Vinten Vantage is a clear upgrade
from the traditional PTZ head since it uniquely
enables the user to choose the best camera and
lens for their application without limitations.
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