s the thing, as well all know
the cost of living here in Pattaya
has crept up over the last five
years significantly, so the
question is, who much do you
spend on a day or night out in
I went out yesterday and started the day in the Six, always a great place to
start your session off in my opinion. So jumping off the Baht bus I headed
down the Six and stopped at a couple of bars for a beer. Interestingly
Saigon was empty, well no girls anyway, what’
s happening there? Anyhow,
gradually I headed down the Six and probably stopped in four or five bars
on the way. In each bar I grabbed a beer and bought a girl a drink, no
dramas there and always a nice way to enjoy some interaction. Finally
having been surrounded by sexy girls all afternoon I gave in and decided
to head upstairs with a girl to check out the decor, have to say the room
was GRRREAT!!!!! So by now I am the best part of 3,000 baht light.
Now it’
s time to hop on the Baht bus again and head into W alking Street, I
grabbed a bite to eat and started the next part of the evening in Alcatraz,
damn there are some seriously sexy girls in there now!!! Two drinks and a
LD and time to head off up to Babydoll’
s Soi 15. Gotta say this place is great,
the girls are fun, very friendly and your imagination can run wild! Again
bought a LD and a couple for myself. Next up was CLUB Mistys, I like it in
here too, the girls are fun, actually dance and that’
s a bonus as well as make
you feel very welcome. By now it’
s getting near midnight so I headed into
W indmill and enjoyed a final hour of fun in there, again, a couple of LD’
and a few from myself.
So, all in all I totalled up a great day/ night out at the cost of around 6,000 baht.
But here’
s the thing, had I wanted to enjoy some company for the night I would
also have to add to this a BF, somewhere around 800 baht I am guessing and
nowadays for LT you would be staring 3,000 or 4,000 baht in the eye. So when you
add it up an fantastic, and it was fantastic day/night out would cost somewhere in
the region of 10,000 Baht, so how much do you spend on a day or night out, is
10,000 baht the norm nowadays?
Like I said, a great time was had so absolutely no complaints and there is no
moaning about what was spent, value for money any day of the week. But it was
just the question is 10,000 Baht good or bad or is it now the normal cost of fun
in the city?