The Inaugural President , Mr Bryant Gavin , once stated that although the climate and economic conditions from time to time could make it very difficult for some members to participate in the Society ’ s affairs , we must remain indebted for the obvious sacrifices which so many country folk are prepared to share . Without Members to organise Branches , Classification days and many other activities throughout Australia , there would be no Society in the future . Mr Bryant Gavin remained President of the newly formed Society from 1971 to 1976 . Mr RP Hamilton served as President in 1976 / 77 .
Incorporation – 28th April 1977
At the Annual General Meeting held at the RSL Club Rooms at Tamworth , the Chairman reported to those present , that in accordance with the resolutions passed at the Special General Meeting on the 23rd June 1976 , the Company had been incorporated on the 28th April 1977 as a Company Limited by Guarantee . The first directors of the ‘ Incorporated Society ’ were :
1 . Bryant Roland Gavin |
8 . Edgar Henry Batterham |
2 . James Edward Hooks |
9 . Arthur Andrew McIntyre |
3 . William Vernon Reed |
10 . James Robert Sparkes |
4 . Keith Urquhart |
11 . Stanley Haggerty |
5 . Theodore Charles Hill |
12 . William John Stanton |
6 . Reginald Patrick Hamilton 13 . James Lloyd Bowling |
7 . Alistair Roderick Irving |
14 . David Dunkley Wallace |
Mr Bryant Gavin , one of the founding members of the Australian Stock Horse Society .
Those office bearers held office from the date of incorporation to the First Annual General Meeting of Members of the ‘ Incorporated Society ’, after which elections of Directors were held at the First Annual General Meeting and all subsequent Annual General Meetings .
Honorary Life Members
The Board may grant Honorary Life Membership to a person who in the opinion of the Board has rendered special service to the Society and the Australian Stock Horse breed .
1973 - Mr HL Griffith ( NSW ) and Mr AL Braid ( NSW ) 1976 - Mr BR Gavin ( NSW ) 1978 - Mr A Clothier ( QLD ), Mr RF Rowbottom ( VIC ), Mr CE Barnes ( QLD ) 1981 - Mr R Campbell ( NSW ), Mr P Hamilton ( NSW ) 1982 - Mr T Clear ( NSW ) 1983 - Mr J Stanton Snr ( NSW ) 1984 - Mr W Keen ( QLD ), Mr K Urquhart ( VIC ) 1985 - Mr R Fahl ( QLD ) 1986 - Mr J Clifford ( VIC ), Mr M Wright ( NSW ) 1988 - Mr A Irving ( VIC ), Mr TC Hill ( NSW ) 1989 - Mr E Batterham ( NSW ) 1990 - Mr P Blundell ( QLD ) 1991 - Mrs J Gavin ( NSW ), Mr AA Martin ( NSW ) 1992 - Mrs K Fitzgerald ( QLD ) 1996 - Mr J Green ( QLD ) 1997 - Mr G Hook ( NSW ) 2000 - Mr Bob Hentschke ( SA ) 2001 - Mr G Richardson ( NSW ), Mrs R Henderson ( WA ) 2003 - Mr N Holz ( NSW ), Mr M Barton ( NSW ), Mr B Brown ( NSW ) 2008 - Mr B Sawyer ( VIC ) 2009 - Reva Flint ( NSW ), Mr Frank Coonan ( ACT ) 2011 - Mr Malcolm Field ( NSW ), Mrs Judy Field ( NSW ), Mrs Robin Lawson ( NSW ), Mr Paul Lawson ( NSW ), Ms Joy Poole ( NSW )
Mr Herbert ( Bert ) Griffith , one of the founding members of the Australian Stock Horse Society .
Head Office of the Australian Stock Horse Society The first ‘ Head Office ’ was a shed at the back of Mary Griffith ’ s residence in Main Street , Scone . Mary was the Society ’ s first Secretary / Treasurer . When the records of the Society could not longer fit , a garage was purchased in Kelly Street which was converted into a purpose built Head Office .
Today , the Society Head Office is located in a large building in Guernsey St , Scone , which also houses the Society ’ s Heritage Museum . 40 years after its formation , The Australian Stock Horse Society is about to open branches in the USA , Canada and New Zealand .
The Australian Stock Horse Journal The Australian Stock Horse Journal was first produced in May 1975 , by the editing / advertising partnership of two Victorians -
Australian Stock Horse Society 1971 - 2011 9