Outdoor UTCI in the courtyard (tools: Grasshopper+Honeybee)
The diagrams indicate the Universal Thermal Climate Index, or what the thermal condition ‘feels like’ in the courtyard based on the outdoor temperature, wind speed and
relative humidity.
The different conditions explored in this scenario are
without any shade, with contextual shading by the buildings and surroundings and with shade. With all parameters intact, the shade causes the UTCI to drop by over
12° C
Average annual UTCI without
context or shade: 38.63°
Average annual UTCI without
shade but with context: 31.31°
Average annual UTCI with
shade and context: 26.62°
Radiation in the courtyard (tools: Grasshopper+Honeybee, Sketchup+Vray, Photoshop)
The outdoor radiation in Phoenix exceeds 1300 kWh/m2.
The diagrams on the left indicate the direct + diffused
(global) radiation that would be incident on the courtyard
of the institute without any shade (but with context, i.e.
the building itself) and with complete shade as indicated
in the diagram above.
Radiation incident on the ground surface affected by the
Radiation incident on the ground surface affected by the
building and shade