ASH EDU 372 entire course EDU 372 Week 2 DQ 1 Intelligence

EDU 372 Week 2 DQ 1 Intelligence

There are many ways to measure the intelligence of a person . One well known method is the I . Q . testing . Take the I . Q . Test available at the I . Q . Test Labs website ( http :// www . intelligencetest . com /). Using your experience with this test and the information from our reading assignment this week respond to the following :

• Do you agree with the results of your own I . Q . test ? Why or why not ?

• How do you feel about the practice of I . Q . testing ? What did you learn about I . Q . testing ? How does your experience connect with information from the text on I . Q .?

• If a parent asked you what you thought about I . Q . testing , what helpful information could you provide him / her about the variables , influences , and value of I . Q . testing ? Could I . Q . testing be used as a valid tool in the teachinglearning process