ASH INFO 103 Entire CourseASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final ASH INFO 103 Week 5 Final Paper | Page 2

o Open Source Software ( covered in Chapter 3 ) o The Impact of Mobile Computing ( covered in Chapter 4 ) o Social Networks ( covered in Chapter 7 ) o Protecting Copyrights and Intellectual Property ( covered in Chapter 8 ) o The Future of Cloud Computing ( covered in Chapter 9 )
• Return to the textbook and review the pages in the chapter that pertain to your selected topic .
• Next , log in to the Ashford University Library and conduct a search on that topic .
o The INF103 . tutorial will walk you through the basic steps of doing a search for scholarly articles within the Ashford University Library . A transcript of this video can be accessed through your online course .
• Select two scholarly articles to use in your paper . For each article , write down the author information , date of publication , title of the article , the publication information ( journal title ), and the database from which you retrieved the article . You will need this information when you create your references for the sources .
• Begin the writing process . You are going to compare the points of view offered by these authors ( the author of your textbook and the authors of the two articles you have selected ) on your selected topic , and then offer your own point of view based upon your analysis of the readings .
o The Ashford Writing Center ( AWC ) offers assistance with the writing process . The AWC contains many tutorials and offers online guides for how to develop an academic paper . Click on the Writing Center link under “ Learning Resources ” in the left navigation of this course to visit the AWC .
Criteria for Grading You will be graded on how well your paper meets the following criteria : Content
• How clearly you demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic .
• Frequent and appropriate use of examples from the textbook and selected articles to support your points .
• Appropriate inclusion of relevant quotes from the discussion forum activities .