ASH INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics
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INFO 103 Week 4 DQ 1 Computer Ethics Computer Ethics
As the use of computers and the internet becomes more prevalent , ethical issues related to computer usage will continue to make a larger impact on people ’ s lives and the way that society functions . Computer ethics involves the moral principles and behavioral guidelines associated with the way in which individuals , organizations and society as a whole use computers and information technology . Some examples of ethical issues related to computer use include personal information privacy , computer security , identity theft , intellectual property , equal access to information etc .
Find a current news article in the Ashford University Library ’ s ProQuest Newsstand database about an ethical issue that involves computer technology , or involves a technology company . The Ashford University Library is accessible through the online classroom via the Library tab . For tips on how to use ProQuest Newsstand , view this quick guide : ProQuest Newsstand Research Tips .