ASH INFO 103 Entire CourseASH INFO 103 Entire Course With Final ASH INFO 103 Week 3 Assignment Using Microsoft Exc | Page 3

formulas into your spread sheet .
27 .
In cell C10 , enter the following : 1625
28 .
In cell C11 , enter the following : 150
29 .
In cell C12 , enter the following : 300
30 .
In cell C13 , enter the following : 350
31 .
In cell C14 , enter the following : 725
32 .
In cell C15 , enter the following : formula : = SUM ( C10 : C14 )
33 .
In cell C16 , enter the following : blank
34 .
In cell C17 , enter the following formula : = C8-C15
35 .
In cell D5 , enter the following : 4100
36 .
In cell D6 , enter the following : =+ D5 * B6
37 .
In cell D7 , enter the following : =+ D5 * B7
38 .
Place the cursor over cell C8 , presspress Ctrl and C at the same time , and move
the cursor to cell D8 , presspress Ctrl and V at the same time . You should see $ 3,280 .
You copied and pasted the formula from C8 into D8 . From now on we will just say
“ press Ctrl C ” for copy and “ press Ctrl V ” for paste .
39 .
In cell D10 , enter the following : 1682
40 .
In cell D11 , enter the following : 165
41 .
In cells D12 , enter the following : 270
42 .
In cell D13 , enter the following : 295
43 .
In cell D14 , enter the following : 715
44 .
Place the cursor over cell C15 , press Ctrl C , move the cursor to cell D15 , press
Ctrl V . You should see 3127 . You copied and pasted the formula from C15 into D15 .
45 .
Place the cursor over cell C17 , press Ctrl C , move the cursor to cell D17 , press
Ctrl V . You should see 153 . You copied and pasted the formula from C17 into D17 .
46 .
In cell E5 , enter the following : =+ D5-C5
47 .
In cell E6 , enter the following : =+ C6-D6
48 .
In cell E7 , enter the following : =+ C7-D7
49 .
In cell E8 , enter the following : =+ D8-C8
50 .
In cell E10 , enter the following : =+ C10-D10
51 .
Place the cursor over cell E10 , press Ctrl C , with the cursor highlight cells E11
through E14 then press Ctrl V .
52 .
In cell E15 , enter the following : =+ C15-D15
53 .
In cell E17 , enter the following : =+ D17-C17 . You are almost done .
This is what your spreadsheet to this point should look like :
To see all the formulas you ’ ve entered into the spread sheet , click on the Formulas Tab and select Show Formulas to see the formulas .
This is what the formulas should look like in the spreadsheet :
Click Show Formulas again to return to the normal spreadsheet view . 54 . With the cursor highlight cells from C5 through E17 .