Ash Grove Healthcare Facility Rocking Chair News April 2021


Rocking Chair News

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2021 Volume 25 , Issue 4
I n s i d e t h i s I s s u e Resident of the Month 1
Employee of the Year 1 Resident Photos 2 Fundraisers / Events 2 Calendar of Events 3 Special Care Calendar 5 Residents ’ Birthdays 6 New Residents 6
AGHCF is located at 401 N . Medical Dr ., Ash Grove , MO 65604 • 417-751-2575 • citizensmemorial . com
Discharges 6

Resident of the Month , Wilma Dillard

Employee of the Month

Wilma was born in Stuart , Oklahoma on Aug . 9 , 1932 , to Ervin and Mary Hackworth . Wilma was one of five children . She had one sister and three brothers .
She learned about farming at a very young age . lived in a small town and her father did farm work for others . Wilma walked three miles to school and because the walking path to school was surrounded by the Missouri River , when it rained and the water was high she would get to miss school .
Wilma ’ s family made trips to town by horse and wagon . Wilma along with her mother and brother were saved by a kitchen table when a tornado ripped through their home leaving nothing behind expect that table and a cistern , which held their water . “ To this day I am afraid of storms , but feel so blessed to have survived ,” said Wilma .
They worked very hard all of their lives and when I asked Wilma what she liked to do for fun , her only answer was “ work .” “ I didn ’ t mind working , because every day was a good day when you earned what you needed to survive ,” said Wilma .
Wilma married Earl Dillard at the young age of seventeen , just a few weeks shy of her eighteenth birthday . The couple then moved to Boot Hill Missouri and raised five kids of their own . They continued doing farm work , often picking cotton , corn and peanuts . The couple had three girls and two boys . They didn ’ t always get to church ; however , they enjoyed attending revivals now and then . Wilma was not so sure she liked cooking but because she had to cook she guessed it was okay .
Her joy came from her friends and neighbors . She also enjoyed music and reading . When asked what she liked to read , her answer was “ anything I could find .” Today Wilma enjoys the same friends and loves to watch people . Her moto for a good life is simply “ work hard to get by and that ’ s all a person needs .”
Congratulations , Wilma Dillard , for being chosen as resident of the month at Ash Grove Healthcare Facility !
The Employee of the Month for April has yet to be determine . The individual who is selected will be featured in the May edition of the Rocking Chair News .