ash gen 499 entire course Ash GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment Annotated Bibliograp | Seite 2
argue or prove in the Final Research Paper.
Refer to the Ashford Online Writing Center for
information on how to develop a solid thesis
statement. APA Reference Page: For this
paper, you will conduct research in peer-
reviewed journals or other sources that are
considered to have academic information. You
will need a minimum of five professional
scholarly sources, at least one of which is a
multimedia source. For each source, you are
responsible for summarizing the source and
examining how it will support you in
defending your argument. Keep in mind the
Academic Research standards for all Ashford
University Papers.
Academic Research
Academic research and papers must meet
certain standards of quality recognized by the
academic community. What constitutes
quality, academic research?
Primary sources, which are documents from
the time period being discussed Secondary
sources supported by research in primary
sources Credible sources (experts in the area