ASH Clinical News | Page 20

CLINICAL NEWS Data Stream Cancer Prevention: A War of the Words 12 % The amount by which patients were less likely to consider prevention behaviors when metaphors describing cancer as an “ENEMY” and simple prevention tactics as “WEAPONS” were used, compared with neutral metaphors. This was according to a study of 313 participants, in which using statements such as “WINNING THE BATTLE AGAINST CANCER” was actually more likely to hurt than help prevention efforts. Source: Hauser DJ, Schwarz N. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2015;41:66-77. The Costly Road to Approval 2.6 BILLION $ is the estimated cost of getting a new drug approved, according to a new report from the think tank, the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. This total includes $3,000,000,000 $2,500,000,000 $1.4 BILLION $2,000,000,000 in the drug discovery and development process, and another $1,500,000,000 $1.2 BILLION $1,000,000,000 in time costs (returns lost by investors while the drug is still under development). Notably, this figure is more than three times higher than the group’s 2001 estimate of $802 million. $500,000,000 $0 Source:  Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development 2001 estimate 2014 What Would You Do? More than 21,000 physicians responded to an ethics survey conducted by Medscape’s Ethics Center. The most divisive medical/ethical dilemmas included romantic relationships with patients, the placebo effect, and physician-assisted suicide. Here are a few of the findings: 19% may use placebo, depending on the situation 42% would prescribe a placebo to patients who demand medication but do not require treatment PLACEBOS 37% would not use a placebo to handle pushy patients 15% said it would depend on the situation. SUICIDE The Sting of Medicare’s “Paper” Cuts 257,000 health-care providers will see a 1-percent cut in their Medicare and Medicaid payments this year for failing to demonstrate “meaningful use” of electronic health records in 2013. Small practices and physicians – who make up the majority of those being penalized – will be hit especially hard. Source: The Wall Street Journal 18 ASH Clinical News 54% said physician-assisted suicide should be allowed 31% said no 10% said it depended on the situation (Interestingly, as physicians age, they are more apt to find these relationships acceptable.) 22% of physicians said a romantic or sexual relationship with a former patient was acceptable ROMANCE 68% said it was never acceptable Source: Medscape’s 2014 Ethics Report January 2015