ASH Clinical News Advances in Hematology Research & Patient Care: Hi | Página 14

CLINICAL NEWS Hemoglobin Modifier GBT440: A New Option for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease come back for periodic checks. Sixty-four healthy volunteers and 16 SCD patients had been enrolled in the study at the time of presentation. Among healthy volunteers, 54 had completed the study, two had discontinued due to non-serious adverse events (AEs; headache and rash), and eight were in follow-up; among SCD patients, eight had completed part A of the study and eight were in part B follow-up. None of the SCD Claire Hemmaway, MD, the lead hematology consultant at Queens patients had discontinued, but one patient in part B of the study Hospital in Essex, United Kingdom, and colleagues explored the had a dose reduction from 700 mg to 400 mg (due to abdominal safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and potential efficacy discomfort). of GBT440 in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, douIn terms of safety (the trial’s primary endpoint), GBT440 was ble-blind, parallel-group phase I/II study of healthy volunteers and “generally well tolerated,” the authors reported, with mostly mild SCD patients. The study was presented at the ASH annual meeting AEs and no deaths. One serious AE (an acute painful crisis) oclast month. curred in a patient taking placebo. GBT440 works by increasing hemoglobin oxygen affinity, the The most common AEs associated with GBT440 were headauthors explained, and has been shown to be a potent and direct ache and sickle cell crisis; all instances of reported sickle cell crises anti-sickling agent with high specificity for hemoglobin in in vitro occurred after discontinuation of the study drug. and in vivo studies. “This drug is potentially disease-modifying for “GBT440 showed dose-proportional pharmacokinetics,” Dr. patients with sickle cell disease,” Dr. Hemmaway said in a discusHemmaway and colleagues observed, with a terminal half-life of sion of the results. “We hypothesized that [GBT440] should rapidly 1.5 to three days and a dose-dependent increase in hemoglobin interrupt red blood cell hemolysis, improve anemia, and potentially oxygen affinity in both healthy volunteers and SCD patients. become a safe and effective long-term therapy.” GBT440-treated patients showed increased hemoglobin, hematocrit, The study was conducted in two parts: part A tested single and erythrocyte counts with corresponding decreases in LDH, ascending doses and part B multiple ascending doses of study drug unconjugated bilirubin, reticulocytes, and erythropoietin levels with 6:2 randomization (GBT440:placebo). (TABLE 1). Doses administered were: When the researchers analyzed peripheral blood smears, they also • Part A: 100-2,800 mg in healthy volunteers and 1,000 mg in observed a marked reduction in sickle cells among GBT440-treated SCD patients patients – decreasing by 56 percent and 46 percent in the 500 mg and 700 mg cohorts, respectively. Patients receiving placebo, however, • Part B: 300-900 mg once-daily for 15 days in healthy volunteers experienced a 14 percent increase in median sickle cell counts. and 700 mg once-daily for 28 days in SCD patients Overall, daily dosing with GBT440 “demonstrated proof of mechanism with a dose-dependent increase in hemoglobin oxygen Patients were monitored closely in a clinical research unit for the a