ASH Clinical News ACN_5.7_Digital | Page 43

TRAINING and EDUCATION How I Treat In Brief In “How I Treat In Brief,” we summarize recent “How I Treat” review articles, offering condensed versions of the diagnostic and therapeutic advice presented by experts in the field published in Blood. Recently, Noémie Kraaijpoel, MD, and Marc Carrier, MD, MSc, FRCPC, discussed the management of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer. Below, we summarize their approach. This material was repurposed from “How I treat cancer-associated venous thromboembolism” published in the January 24, 2019, edition of Blood. Treating Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism Venous thromboembolism (VTE), comprising deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is a common complication of cancer, with an incidence of up to 15% per year. Several cancer-associated risk factors for VTE have been identified, including patient-, treatment-, and tumor-related factors ( TABLE ). When VTE is diagnosed, anticoagulant therapy is indicated in almost all cases. In patients with cancer, though, the risks of recurrent VTE despite anticoagulant therapy and bleeding complications are particularly chal- lenging – and higher than in those without cancer. For many years, low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) have been the firstline treatment in this setting. Compared with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) such as warfarin, LMWHs have been associated with a lower risk of recurrent VTE without an associated in- creased risk of major bleeding complications. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been well established as first-choice treatment of DVT and PE in patients without cancer, but there is limited evidence of their efficacy and safety in the cancer population. This review will discuss three common cancer- associated VTE patient scenarios. Case 1: Deep Vein Thrombosis A 61-year-old man with a recent diagnosis of stage IIA prostate carcinoma presents to the emergency room with a three-day history of acute pain, swelling, and erythema of the right lower limb. Compression ultrasonography demonstrates a filling defect consistent with a diagnosis of a proximal lower-limb DVT. He is not receiving any cancer-specific therapies, has denied previous bleeding episodes, and indicated that he would prefer oral over parenteral therapy. What would be the appropriate anti- coagulant treatment regimen for this patient? Commentary on Case 1 Several factors need to be considered when tailoring anticoagulation management in a patient with cancer- associated thrombosis. Patient preference: Qualitative research including pa- tients with cancer-associated VTE suggests that the most important consideration of anticoagulant therapy from the patient’s perspective is related to potential delays or drug- drug interactions with cancer-related therapies. Route of administration is another important concern; most patients find tablets more convenient, but LMWH can be used in the context of cancer and its treatment. Drug-drug interactions: Systemic cancer-related therapies may interfere with DOACs. Potent inhibitors or inducers of P-glycoprotein and cytochrome p450 CYP3A4 are known to influence the metabolization of DOACs and thereby potentially alter their efficacy and/or safety pro- files. The extent to which these agents influence DOAC plasma concentrations is unknown, so LMWH might be a preferred anticoagulant in this situation. Bleeding risk assessment: The rates of major bleeding and clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding events seem to be higher in patients with cancer-associated thrombosis using DOACs. Unfortunately, no tool can predict the risk of bleeding episodes in this specific patient population, although patients with gastrointestinal cancer appear to have a higher risk. Until we can stratify these patients according to their underlying risk of bleeding complica- tions, the use of DOACs should be carefully considered by balancing patients’ preference and the risk of bleeding, as well as age, previous bleeding episodes, anemia, thrombo- cytopenia, and renal function. The Scientific and Standardization Committee on Haemostasis and Malignancy of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SSC-ISTH) suggests: TABLE. Risk Factors for Cancer-Associated VTE Patient-Related • • • • • Advanced age Comorbidities Immobilization or hospitalization Previous VTE Hereditary thrombophilia Tumor-Related • Tumor type » » Very high risk: gastric, pancreas, brain » » High risk: lung, hematologic, gynecologic, renal, bladder • Cancer stage • Histological tumor grade • Localized tumor compression Treatment-Related • Chemotherapy (e.g., cisplatin-based, anti-angiogenesis agents) • Hormonal therapy • Red blood cell transfusions and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents • Surgery • Radiotherapy • Central venous catheters • specific DOACs (edoxaban or rivaroxaban) for cancer patients with an acute diagnosis of VTE, a low bleeding risk, and no drug-drug interactions • LMWH for those with a high risk of bleeding, including those with thrombocytopenia • VKAs reserved for patients for whom LMWHs/ DOACs are contraindicated, unaffordable, or un- available or in those patients already treated with and stable on this agent Case 1: Follow-Up The patient was treated with five days of therapeutic LMWH (enoxaparin 1 mg/kg subcutaneously, twice daily), followed by edoxaban 60 mg once daily for a planned minimal duration of six months. At outpatient follow-up, he denied any recurrent VTE or bleeding episodes and remained on anticoagulant treatment. However, recent laboratory investigations demonstrated that his cancer had progressed; androgen-deprivation therapy and docetaxel were initiated. Is extended anticoagulant therapy indicated for this patient with advanced-stage cancer? Commentary: Most clinical practice guidelines recom- mend a minimum of three to six months of anticoagulant therapy and suggest extending treatment duration in patients with active cancer because they are considered at high risk of recurrent VTE. These recommendations are based largely on expert opinion; most high-quality controlled studies have evaluated anticoagulant therapy for a duration of six months. The decision to stop or continue anticoagulation therapy after an initial treatment period of three to six months should be based on the balance between the risk of recurrent VTE and bleeding complications in combination with patient preference, life expectancy, and treatment costs. Although data on extended therapy with DOACs are lacking, one can assume that there is no need to change the choice of anticoagulant after the initial three to six months of anticoagulation therapy. We recommend con- tinuing anticoagulant treatment for this patient, as there are no significant drug-drug interactions with his cancer medications and his bleeding risk is low. Case 2: Incidental Pulmonary Embolism A 72-year-old woman diagnosed with stage IIIA distal esophageal carcinoma is started on neoadjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel. Two months later, a CT scan for treatment response detect- ed a filling defect in a segmental pulmonary artery of the right lower lobe. The patient reported no dyspnea, chest pain, or hemoptysis. She had an active lifestyle and denied exertional dyspnea. Should this patient with incidentally detected PE receive anticoagulant treatment? Commentary: Up to 50% of all PEs in patients with cancer are incidentally detected, and the prevalence of incidental PE diagnosis has been reported to be between 1% and 15% in this patient population. Given that the signs and symptoms of PE are not specific, they are often attributed by both the clinician and the patient to the cancer itself or its underlying treatment – not immedi- ately leading to suspicion of PE. In clinical practice, most clinicians would anti- coagulate patients with cancer and isolated symptom- atic subsegmental PE. However, the decision to start anticoagulant treatment in patients with an isolated incidental single subsegmental PE is more nuanced as it could unnecessarily expose patients to a risk of bleeding. Therefore, the SSC-ISTH recommends the follow- ing diagnostic workup: Review imaging results with an experienced thoracic radiologist, then perform bilateral compression ultrasonography of the lower extremities to detect possible incidental DVT. In patients with con- comitant proximal DVT, standard-of-care anticoagulant therapy should be initiated. In patients with no DVT, the decision to prescribe anticoagulation should be in- dividualized according to the risk of recurrent VTE and bleeding and the patient’s performance status and prefer- ence. If anticoagulation is withheld, clinical monitoring ASH Clinical News 41