ASH Clinical News ACN_5.7_Digital | Page 28

Data Stream Blood Money The Match Game It’s no secret that a diagnosis of a hematologic malignancy is a financial burden on patients and their families, but a study commissioned by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society reveals just how costly blood cancers are. For patients who need a bone marrow transplant, the likelihood of finding a matched donor varies based on ancestry. Per-patient health-care spending (including both out-of-pocket patient spending and expenses covered by insurance) in the first year after diagnosis of a blood cancer was $156,845. The average costs varied widely depending on specific diagnosis, In Blood Advances, researchers found that, of 1,312 patients with hematologic malignancies undergoing a transplant, people of non-European or southern-European descent were less likely to find a fully matched donor. from nearly $89,000 for chronic leukemias to more than $460,000 for acute leukemias. Europeans Spending never returned to prediagnosis levels: Monthly health-care costs averaged $1,600 before diagnosis and, even 3 years after diagnosis, average monthly spending was between $3,500 and $4,500. Source: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, “The Cost Burden of Cancer Care.” Southern Europeans Non- Europeans Keep the Comments Coming! Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have found that cranky comments on clinical decision support tools may have a purpose aside from allowing doctors to vent their frustrations. Africans In an analysis of comments left by clinicians who were requesting overrides on 150 electronic health record– based clinical decision support tools, they found that comments like “This is an inappropriate rec,” “NOT ON CYCLOSPORINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,” and even “you are stupid,” helped staff uncover malfunctions in 26 % of the rules. Sentiment was important, as the authors found that the frequency of comments did not predict if a rule was broken. So, if you think a rule is broken, say something (but try to be reasonably polite about it)! Source: Aaron S, McEvoy DS, Ray S, et al. Cranky comments: detecting clinical decision support malfunctions through free-text override reasons. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2019;26:37-43. 26 ASH Clinical News 67 % likelihood 33 % 41 % 18 % likelihood likelihood likelihood “We have identified tremendous racial and ethnic disparity in transplant access,” lead author Juliet Barker, MBBS, said in a press release. “What’s more, it has been thought by some that if you just increase the number of registered adult donors that it would resolve this problem, but it hasn’t.” Sources: American Society of Hematology press release, March 27, 2019; Barker JN, Boughan K, Dahi PB, et al. Racial dispari- ties in access to HLA-matched unrelated donor transplants: a prospective 1312-patient analysis. Blood Adv. 2019;3:939-44. June 2019