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UP FRONT amazing hematologists: Dr. Schwartz and Jane Desforges, MD, a former president of the American Society of Hematology. She was a brilliant and compassionate physician and teacher. Eventually, as she retired, I took over most of her practice. It was a true honor to know both Drs. Schwartz and Desforges as incredible hematologists and mentors. After beginning your career in academic medicine, what prompted you to join the pharmaceutical industry? I think of academic medicine as the first segment in my three-part career so far. I stayed on the academic faculty at Tufts for 13 years. I had a busy malignant hematology practice. This included at- tending responsibilities on the bone mar- row transplant and leukemia services, maintaining a small research lab, and teaching responsibilities at the medical school. Eventually, I became head of the Tufts Cancer Center. At that point, I thought that I would spend the rest of my career in academic medicine. But, in 2000, I ended up meet- ing the CEO of Millennium Pharmaceu- ticals, a biotechnology company based in Cambridge. Two things happened around this time: One was a general recognition that what makes me tick as a physician is my love of taking care of patients, but also a realization that I was only able to reach one patient or family at a time. The avail- able medicines weren’t making the kind of impact that I thought we needed. On the industry side, there was growing excitement about the quality of research and the academicians moving to that world. I realized that if I could help shepherd a medi- cine to approval, I could potentially help tens or hundreds of thousands of patients around the world. I was ready for a change that would allow me to boost my impact factor. So, in January 2001, I became the company’s first head of oncology. I spent nearly 19 years in the pharmaceutical industry, which included five years running oncology drug development at Millennium and bringing bortezomib to market, helping to change the way we treat multiple myeloma. From there, I was recruited to run all of cancer medicine at Genentech out in California. During this time, I still saw patients one day a week, as I was able to also hold positions at Tufts, and then at Stanford. After Roche bought Genentech in 2009, I decided that I didn’t want to stay with a big company. Around this time, I heard about Agios, a startup in Boston that was looking at the metabolic path- ways of cancer cells. So I went back to the East Coast and joined a handful of employees as the first CEO of Agios. Dur- ing my 10-year tenure there, I oversaw the discovery and development of two important medicines approved for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) – ivosidenib and enasidenib – and a host of other exciting investi- gational products. If pharma was the second stage, what is the third stage of your career? Four months ago, I stepped away as CEO to become executive chair of the board of direc- tors at Agios. During this time, I took on a new role as a general partner at GV (formerly Google Ventures), where I colead the life sciences investment team. We’re focused on investing in the next-wave life sci- ence companies that could have a huge impact on patients’ lives. It’s early, so I’m still figuring everything out, but so far, it’s been incredibly exciting. Dr. Schenkein with his son (left) in New York City. Do you ever think about going back to academic medicine full time? When I was in the biotechnology industry, I was offered some significant leadership roles in academic institutions, and I seri- ously considered them. But I think what kept me from taking those was, again, the ability to make a bigger impact on the industry side. I’m now seeing a whole new wave of companies on the GV side that have enormous potential for impact. What did you learn from your experiences in industry that you couldn’t learn in academia? When I went through medical school and training, no one really spent time training us how to be leaders. We were being trained as physicians, period. Some physicians grow up to become leaders of institutions, and some are great, and some are not so great. On the industry side, however, the leadership spends time on developing whatever your expertise is – whether you’re a chemist or a drug de- veloper – and there is a lot of opportunity to grow as a leader. Now, we are seeing more industry leaders going back into leadership roles in academia; I think that experience is very helpful. What would you tell a trainee or physician who is thinking about moving from academic medicine to industry? The biggest predictor of how well you will do is how humble you are. Patient care usually is more of an individual sport, but industry is a team sport, so you have to leave your ego at the door and play on a team. Throughout each phase of your career, what accomplishments are you most proud of? On the flip side, are there any major disappointments? I’ve been fortunate to be involved in many things that have turned out well. I’ve always said that my two proudest accomplishments are our children; they are in their 30s now and are fantastic humans. On the career side, it’s difficult to find a greater sense of accomplishment than car- ing for a very sick patient and being able to put his or her disease into remission or hopefully even cure it. Thinking about the achievements that have had the greatest impact on medicine, I am proud of the two recent approvals from Agios. With the other companies I was involved in, the drugs were already in some stage of de- velopment. At Agios, I was involved from the very beginning – from discovering and validating the target, to developing the medicine, conducting clinical trials, get- ting approval, and launching the product. I think these products are going to change the way we think about treating AML. I’d say the biggest disappointments in my full-time medicine days were when patients didn’t do well and their disease eventually won out. It’s always disappoint- ing because you just wish you could have done more. And yes, there are disappointments in drug development all the time. To handle those, we look for the lessons learned. Just like we have morbidity and mortality con- ferences in medicine, we discuss what went well, what didn’t go well, and what we could do differently with the next medicine. You mentioned having two kids – did either of them follow in your footsteps into medicine? Our son is 33 and works for a big video game company in New York, and our daughter is 31 and has been in a re- search lab at Memorial Sloan Kettering for a long time. She is now working on a master’s degree in public health at Columbia University. They both grew up in Massachusetts, but somehow, they both ended up in New York. What do you do when you’re not working? I work from GV’s Boston office, so it’s nice being on the East Coast again and closer to the kids. Spending time with family is great, and sports have always played a major role in my life. I’ve always played racquet sports. I played both competitive tennis and squash during school and was a nationally ranked squash player in medi- cal school. I still play squash about once a week, but more recently I’ve taken up run- ning. I’m not quite sure why, but it’s easy; you just put your sneakers on and go. Who is your dream dinner party guest? The name that keeps popping into my head is John Lennon. I grew up in the late ’60s and early ’70s as a huge Beatles fan. I was fascinated by not only the music, but his passion for peace and love. I wouldn’t have anything specific to ask. I’d sit, listen, and be amazed. ● ASH Clinical News 19