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ASH Directions Learn About Legislation and Health Policy from the ASH Advocacy Leadership Institute! This October marks the ninth annual ASH Advocacy Leadership Institute (ALI): An opportunity for selected ASH members to gather in Washington, DC, to learn about legislation and health policy affecting hematology research and practice and to get a better understanding of the Society’s advocacy efforts. Nominations are now being accepted for this two-day workshop, taking place October 21-22, 2019, at ASH’s headquarters. The first day of ALI focuses on learning about health policy and the legislative process through guest speakers from Congress, the Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and other health agencies. Those skills are applied on the second day, when participants head to Capitol Hill to visit their re- spective congressional delegation. Self-nominations for ALI are welcome and individuals may nominate more than one colleague. ASH is seek- ing participants from across the country with diverse experience and hematologic interests, and from different practice/research settings. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, be interested in health policy and advocacy, and want to become more involved in ASH activities. Learn more or submit a nomination at by June 28, 2019. Members of the 2018 ASH Advocacy Leadership Institute on Capitol Hill. Focus on Safety with the ASH EQUIPS Trainee Competition The Empowering Quality Initiatives in Patient Safety (EQUIPS) Trainee Competition is a new ASH initiative designed to encourage trainee innovation and foster enthusiasm for quality improvement. Trainees are invited to submit a 500-word response to the question, “What is one change in clinical practice or care delivery that could improve the safety of care for patients with blood diseases?” Submissions should focus on new ideas and should outline the target population, key stakeholders, implementation strategy with potential barriers, and outcome metrics. Aspirational submissions for projects not previously implemented are welcome. Three finalists will be invited to the 2019 ASH annual meeting in Orlando to deliver a five-minute presentation during the Special Symposium on Quality. The finalists will de- fend their proposals during questions from the session speakers, co-chairs, and audience, who will then select a winner and award a prize. All trainees are encouraged to apply by the June 14, 2019 deadline. Submit your idea for consideration at 2020 Brings New Editor-in-Chief for ASH Clinical News David P. Steensma, MD 14 ASH Clinical News ASH Clinical News is excited to announce the selection of its next editor-in-chief, David P. Steensma, MD, who will take the helm with the January 2020 issue. Dr. Steensma is an institute physician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School whose primary area of re- search and clinical focus is myelodysplastic syndromes. He has been an associate editor of the publication since its founding in 2014. Recently, Dr. Steensma’s Editor’s Corner about hand- ling the daily deluge of emails (“Draining the Email Swamp,” November 2018) received a Communicator Award of Distinction for editorial writing from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. ASH Clinical News is the American Society of Hematology’s monthly magazine, offering news and views for the hematology/oncology community. ASH and ASCO Update Joint Guidelines on Erythropoiesis- Stimulating Agents This April, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) published an evidence-based clinical practice guideline addressing management of cancer-related anemia with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), as well as recently approved biosimilar agents. The publication, which represents an update to the previous 2010 edition of the guideline, recommends that ESAs and biosimilars be offered to patients with chemotherapy-associated anemia whose cancer treatment is not curative in intent and whose hemoglobin has declined to <10 g/dL. The guideline states that ESAs should not be offered to most cancer patients with nonchemotherapy-associated anemia, aside from certain patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. During ESA treatment, hemo- globin may be increased to the lowest concentration needed to avoid trans- fusions. Iron replacement may be used to improve hemoglobin response and reduce red blood cell transfusions for patients receiving ESA with or without iron deficiency. Find these clinical practice guidelines and more at guidelines. June 2019