ASH Clinical News ACN_5.6_Full_Issue_Digital | Page 43

TRAINING and EDUCATION I spoke about MD/MBAs, I didn’t have a de- tailed description outlining the path to an MBA on the slide; I had an image of a graduate. Next is the third step: Practice, practice, and practice. Repeat as necessary. The key to a suc- cessful PechaKucha presentation is rehearsing it until your timing is impeccable. If you go under your 20 seconds on a slide, there’s an uncom- fortable silence; if you go over, you’re forced to play catch up. Chitchat in the Classroom The PowerPoint presentation is second nature for most of us. Leaving it behind for a new format can be daunting, but the style is ideal for the evolving medical education landscape. In my experience, students love it. Let’s face it: most students don’t attend classes anyway – and I don’t blame them. Why go to class if the only reason is to listen to a professor talk at you? Why attend a session at a medical meeting if the only reason is to listen to a researcher read from a slide? practice – alone and in front of people – and they realize that they can do it. They set their computer to advance slides automatically, they practice their timing, they say, “Hmm, this slide doesn’t work like I thought,” and they replace it. I have found that it’s easy to get people to buy into the concept when they see it in ac- tion. So, to overcome people’s fears, focus on the advantages: You’ll have tons of practice, you’ll never have to apologize for a busy slide, and, although it might seem terrifying at first, in the end, you’re only up on stage for 6 min- utes and 40 seconds. It goes quickly. SIDEBAR Examples from Dr. Kahn’s Blood Drop talk at ASH-a-Palooza Coming Soon to a Meeting Near You? The PechaKucha format is used to convey all types of information; there’s no reason that it can’t be used to present oral abstracts at a medical meeting. The relatively rapid-fire format of oral abstract sessions – 15 minutes to present data, plus a question-and-answer session – lends itself to the lightning-talk With a PechaKucha-style presentation, you’ll have tons of practice, you’ll never have to apologize for a busy slide, and you’re only up on stage for 6 minutes and 40 seconds. It goes quickly. From an educational perspective, PechaKucha is a way of taking what might be a mundane PowerPoint presentation and making it user friendly. The concept is a shift from lecturing at an audience for an hour to facilitating a conver- sation so that they engage with the information. For many of today’s learners with short atten- tion spans, it makes sense. For example, if I am planning a medical school class about acute leukemia, I would con- sider putting together a PechaKucha presenta- tion on that topic, recording it, and making it available to students to watch before the next class. Hopefully, by the time they come to class, they have already spent the 6 minutes and 40 seconds viewing the presentation and have a base knowledge of leukemia physiology, so we can spend our class time discussing what they learned and they can ask follow-up questions. This enables a more informed, interactive con- versation – rather than spending that time lec- turing at them. Grand rounds are another perfect op- portunity to introduce the PechaKucha pre- sentation style. Instead of one lecturer, invite five or six people to present a series of short talks. At Tulane University, we are planning to implement PechaKucha–style grand rounds this semester. Senior faculty might be initially resistant to this novel concept, but we’ve found that every- one eventually comes around to the idea. They format. Again, the time-limited PechaKucha style forces speakers to focus on the most important information in their talks, so it is a phenomenal format for oral abstracts. Also, consider your audience: At a medical conference, you’re pretty much talking with clinicians who have the requisite knowledge to understand your data. We tend to add intro- duction and background slides to our Power- Point presentations – which often are the slides with the most text – but odds are that your audience already knows enough to follow your talk. In a way, PechaKucha also forces the au- dience to pay attention. We have all seen it at today’s medical meetings: As soon as a slide goes up, so do audience members’ phones and tablets as they take photos that they will refer to later. To me, that means they’re not listening to what the speaker is actually say- ing. With the PechaKucha format, audience members are looking and listening more in- tently to the speaker. First, because they want to see if you can do it, and second, because it’s much easier to hold someone’s attention for 6 minutes and 40 seconds than it is to hold it for an hour. With PechaKucha, less is more: Less talking and more learning. ● ASH Clinical News 41