ASH Clinical News ACN_4.13_full issue_Web

Rethinking Physician Burnout and Resilience Your source for worldwide news and perspectives on hematology/oncology volume 04 | number 13 CONTENTS Editor’s Corner David Steensma Drains the Email Swamp Pulling Back the Curtain Richard Childs’ Inventive Medical Career november 2018 COST IN TRANSLATION Written in Blood Next-Generation Sequencing of MRD in AML Literature Scan Birth Control and Childhood Leukemia Risk How I Treat In Brief Managing Ibrutinib- Refractory CLL DEPARTMENTS 18 UP FRONT 23 CLINICAL NEWS 48 TRAINING AND EDUCATION 51 FEATURES 64 BACK OF THE BOOK After rebates, discounts, and fees, who decides who pays what for drugs? Latest & Greatest: New and Noteworthy Research Data Stream: Health-Care Facts & Figures You Make the Call: Managing Religious Objections to Transfusion