A Farewell to Father John Nongalaza
Daddy being sworn in as ANSOC chaplain
By: Bomkazi Nakile
ANSOCers with Daddy
It’s only been a year and a few months ANSOC Cape Town is without a chaplain again. Mr. J ‘Daddy’
Nongalaza was the lay chaplain elected by the St Marks district six to assist ANSOCers from Cape Town
campus. On the 27th of October 2013 ASF Western Cape together with the congregants of St. Marks District Six said their goodbyes to Daddy, it was a very emotional day for ASF and most ANSOC CT. This event
was also graced with the presence of the president and GP/MP ASFers.
All the good things were said by the speakers that were chosen to speak and they all wished him well as
he left the Anglican Church to be a priest in the Ethiopian Episcopal Church. The branch chairperson described him as the person that was a friend, father, brother and mentor to all of them. He helped in any
way he could and was always present in everything that included the student ministry. The love he had
for ASF as a whole is huge and he also said that if there was any other way he would stay but he has been
called to priesthood so he has to respond.
ANSOC CT will be without a chaplain but with the assistance from the St Marks congregants and Mother R
Mash ANSOC CT will continue to survive. They have committed to assist in whichever way that students
might need help.
ASF President bids Daddy farewell
Not the last picture with ASFers
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