ASEBL Journal – Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2015
And is very similar to the argument Socrates uses against Protagoras in the dialogue of that
name (Plato).
Relativism can be easily avoided by adopting a fallibilistic methodology. For this, see Peirce,
1998: 42-56.
Churchland (2013: 251) discusses the disruption of language centers in the brain using navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS), inhibiting patients’ ability to speak yet had no
effect on the patients’ consciousness, showing that consciousness does not derive from language.
And this would also suggest a narrowing of the population per some extinction event in our
species’ past.
And as with any gene, it cannot be reduced to a simple cause-effect chain. No one gene
codes for any one phenotype or behavior (Churchland, 2013: 153-161).
Currently, I am finishing a book, World Enough (forthcoming from Atropos Press), which
will deal with this issue adapting Peirce’s semiotic system and philosophy as an experimental
connective language.
Peirce was to later rename his philosophy Pragmaticism to distinguish it fr