How Does AscendPages Work?
Special Features of AscendPages:
Let me show you what will you get inside AscendPages:
Personal License
250 Mini-Template Blocks
Swipe & Snap Easy
Unlimited Access to AscendPages
Create Unlimited Landing Pages
Create Unlimited Sales Pages
Create Unlimited Traditional Websites
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Save 51% and Never Pay for Web Page Creation Again
Commercial License
250 Mini-Template Blocks
Swipe & Snap Easy
Unlimited Access to Ascend Pages
Create Unlimited Landing Pages
Create Unlimited Sales Pages
Create Unlimited Traditional Websites
Can Export Web HTML
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Save 65% and Never Pay for Web Page Creation Again
Can Sell Websites
Can Make Websites for Clients
Moreover, you will be offered 50 ready made mini-template blocks which allow
you to make all kinds of pages by simply swipe and snap. It allows even complete
beginners to create professional web pages with just a few simple mouse clicks. Just
select a mini-template, swipe it into place, and it is done.
On top of that, the pages created by Ascend Pages software do not need word press or
any other software to work, which makes them incredibly fast and allows to host them
on any web server including even on Amazon S3.
High-quality converting leads pages, sale pages, sales funnels and even
traditional business pages.