Ascending Vibrations July 2014 The Manifesting Issue | Page 8
What is a
Shamanic Drum
By: Cheryl Traxler
Shamanic Drumming Journeys are
wonderful for their visual imagery,
sensory input and their ability to empower us with experiences that stretch
our imaginations. They are a great
way to give us a sense of what is really important. These journeys open our
hearts, teach us new tools, offer healing
assistance and answer our life questions with clarity! The vibrations of the
drum have a deep, transformative effect
on the body, bringing about profound
and lasting changes. As a form of sound
healing, it is undoubtedly one of the
most accessible methods to experience.
“Drumming Connects You
with Your Bones,
Your Heartbeat,
Your Natural Rhythms.”
The Drum represents the heartbeat
of Mother Earth. In Shamanic ways, the
drum is a fundamental tool, an ancient
tool used by our ancestors throughout
time. The drum is used as a guide to
achieve altered states of consciousness.
In these altered states, a person is able
to access their authentic truth & transcend belief systems they have adopted
as their own. They overcome the limita8 - Ascending Vibrations July 2014
tions that stand in the way of self-fulfillment. It is a way of understanding the
subtle langua