Please join us for our virtual monthly meeting Downtown Tunnel Rehabilitation Project , Lebanon , NH
on Thursday , November 18 , 2021 at 12:00 p . m . ET .
Gregory Goodrich , PE and Michael Willard , PLA , LEED AP from VHB will lead the presentation and discuss technical aspects of the project .
VHB worked closely with the City of Lebanon , NH to rehabilitate its downtown former railway tunnel . The Project included a deck replacement with a weathertight translucent enclosure near the middle of the plaza and tunnel to create a focal point for the concourse and allow for natural lighting inside the tunnel .
The rehabilitated tunnel serves as a link connecting the Mascoma River Greenway and Northern Rail Trail and restored vehicular access over the tunnel . The Project was completed in the summer of 2021 and had its official reopening on July 8 , 2021 .
The tunnel and plaza improvements have contributed towards a vibrant and safer downtown area that benefits the community through enhanced bicycle / pedestrian mobility and increased user experience , as well as supporting quality of life and economic vitality for the City of Lebanon .
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