4 th Annual Engineers Day Conference
November 30 – December 2 , 2021 Presented by ASCE-NH & Shea Concrete Products
Conference Sponsorship is being offered at $ 1,250 and includes : ( Filled !)
• Logo acknowledgement in all conference marketing & email blast initiatives
• Logo acknowledgement during each conference presentation ( x6 )
• Full-Slide ( each sponsor to design their own PowerPoint Slide to be shown during each of the 6 technical presentations ) acknowledgement during each conference presentation ( x6 )
• 2-Page Marketing Opportunity in the ASCE-NH December 2021 Monthly Newsletter
• One ( 1 ) full conference registration
Conference Agenda : November 30 th Opening Presentation ( Sponsored by TEC )
9:00 – 10:00 AM |
Zoom Pro |
The “ State ” of the State of New Hampshire ( Victoria Sheehan – NHDOT |
Commissioner ) |
Victoria Sheehan was sworn in as the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation on October 19 , 2015 . Ms . Sheehan brings both transportation engineering and management experience to her role as Commissioner . In her years as a dedicated public employee , she has established a record of delivering contracts on-time and on-budget . She also has extensive experience in asset and performance management . Prior to joining the NHDOT , she served as the Manager of Strategic Planning and Highway Performance at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation . She also was the Program Manager for the state ’ s $ 3 billion Accelerated Bridge Program completed in 2016 . In November of 2020 , Ms . Sheehan was elected to a one-year term as the President of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ( AASHTO ). During the previous year she served as the Vice President of the association , chairing the Strategic Management Committee and Transportation Policy Forum . She also Chairs the Knowledge Management Committee and is a Past-President of the Northeast Association of State Transportation Officials ( NASTO ). Commissioner Sheehan is originally from Ireland , and has a Master ’ s Degree in Structural Engineering and Architecture from the University of Edinburgh . She lives in Nashua , NH with her husband Sean and son Eoin .