ASC Treatment Brochure V1 | Page 4

Regenerativ Through S Stem cells are also also known as progenitor cells and the mother of all cell lines. Their name comes from the fact that all human cell types stem from these cells. To put it simply, every cell in the body was once stem cells that have yet to specialise or“differentiate”. What makes stem cells so unique is their massive replicative ability. They are able to constantly divide, more so in embryos and infants than in adults. Couple this with their ability to differentiate into every cell type, stem cells are able to repair and regenerate body parts that have been damaged or worn. In fact, the 60 billion cells in our bodies are the result of our stem cells’ doing. Cells are the smallest living units that make up our bodies, which is why it is essential to maintain cell health as it is reflected in our own well being. Unfortunately, it may well be impossible to prevent our cells from any 2 damage at all. They are constantly being exposed to environmental and lifestyle factors that cause continual or persisting damage. These include poor diet or nutrition, cell ageing, decreasing cell count due to ageing, and mechanical or chemical damage from the environment. Even more unfortunate is that every detrimental change in the way our cells function is reflected in some form of deteriorating health condition. Arguably, the best way to overcome ageing and health conditions is to regenerate and replace every faulty cell in the body with new, active ones; and this is possible to a large degree through the use of stem cell technology and regenerative medicine. It doesn’t just end there: anti-ageing processes and disease prevention may also be possible due to the nature of stem cells and the mechanics of how ageing occurs.