AsBAA in Action- April 2018 April Newsletter | Page 8
AsBAA’ s strong working relationship and industry
representation for the needs of our members was
demonstrated as we once more enjoyed welcoming Kurt
Edwards, Director General, to a working session with key
stakeholders prior to ABACE 2018.
David Best, former Vice-Chairman of AsBAA
Represents AsBAA at IBAC meetings and
conferences. If you have a comment or issue
you wish to be raised, please get in touch.
AsBAA, IBAC and NBAA senior leadership met ahead of
ABACE2018 to discuss key priorities for the industry in Asia.
These included a commitment to undertake enhanced and
coordinated lobbying efforts across the region in 2018/19.
*Global IBAC Member Associations
The global aviation industry has taken leadership on climate change,
with a robust plan to reduce emissions based on a comprehensive
set of goals. After 2020, technological, infrastructure, and
operational efficiency measures will be complemented by the ICAO
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
– better known as “CORSIA” .
IBAC and EBAA in conjunction with IATA are pleased to offer a
special CORSIA Workshop at EBACE 2018 on the 28th May from
10.00 – 16.00. The workshop will be held at IATA, which is adjacent
to Geneva Airport and the Palexpo Arena, where EBACE is being held from 29-31 May. The address is as follows; IATA
Centre Geneva 2 Meeting Room Route de l’ Aéroport 33 1215 Genève Aéroport 15 Geneva Switzerland
CORSIA will help industry meet its goal of carbon neutral growth from 2020 in support of the Business Aviation
Commitment on Climate Change. Basically, aircraft operators whose operations are covered will offset the growth in their
carbon emissions in international flying on an annual basis from a 2020 baseline (i.e., the difference between the emissions
of 2020 and those of subsequent years). The ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) spelling out CORSIA
requirements are currently under development.
To reserve your place on this workshop, please register at [email protected] .
Kurt H. Edwards
Director General, IBAC
Business aviation is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. Greater efficiency and reduced emissions
mean reduced costs for operators as well as reduced environmental impact. Among the multiple paths that the
global air transport industry will soon use to reduce its emissions while continuing to grow is a global market-based
measure established at the International Civil Aviation organization. The CORSIA is designed to offset the growth in
carbon dioxide emissions from international aviation after 2020. IBAC. Is working with its member associations,
including AsBAA, to inform the business aviation community about CORSIA and to prepare covered operators for
requirements that start from January 2019. I appreciate AsBAA’ s active sharing and promotion of information
related to CORSIA as part of its mission to support the Asian business aviation community. Please consider AsBAA
and IBAC as your resources to provide assistance regarding CORSIA.